Newspaper advertisements for Prints

Advertisements found in Newspapers 1691-1749




Newspapers consulted:


CJ = Country Journal (Craftsman), 1727, 1728, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738

DA = Daily Advertiser Jan-June 1743

DC = Daily Courant 1706, 1707, 1712, 1714, 1719, 1722,

DG = Daily Gazetteer 1737, 1741

DJ = Daily Journal 1721, 1723,

DP = Daily Post 1719, 1720, 1724, 1725, 1727, 1732

EP = Evening Post 1710, 1711, 1712, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724

Ex = Examiner 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714

GA = General Advertiser 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749-June

LEP= London Evening Post 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1746, 1747, 1748,

LG = London Gazette 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1700, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1715,

PB = Post Boy 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1728

Sp = Spectator 1711, 1712,

We = Westminster Journal 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745

WJ = Weekly Journal (Mist and Fog), 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1731, 1732



By the Printsellers of London and Westminster


EP 18-20 Apr 1710 York, London, Durham, Rochester, Bath, Chester, Exon & Dr Sacheverell, 1 sh Dutch royal, 1s

PB 8-10 June 1710 Benjamin Hoadly, engr, 1s.

PB 16-19 Feb 1712 10 Loves of Gods, Titian/Poilly & Drevet

Sp 18 Oct 1712 Wm Fleetwood, mezzo, Richardson/[Simon, CS p.1087], 1s 6d

EP 5-7 Mar 1713 Modest Abel and his Kinsman Toby, 1s

EP 23-25 Aug 1715 Charles Lesley, Bolle/F. Chereau, Fr Roy

WJ 29 Mar 1718 James Shepherd at his Trial, 6d

EP 11-13 Aug, PB 18-20 Aug, WJ 15 Aug 1719 Polish Princess at Rome [Sobieski]

PB 18-20 Feb 1720 Polish Princess, Duchange at Paris, 2s 6d

PB 24-26 Jan 1721 Bubblers Funeral Ticket, 6d

PB 20-23 May 1721 6 mezzos, Revs Edm Calamy, Jn Nesbitt, Wm Tong, Mat Clarke, Thos Reynolds, Thos Bradbury

PB 29-31 Jan 1723; DJ 2 Feb 1723 Sally Salisbury, lge mezzo

LEP 2 Nov 1734 Tomo Chaci, K of Yamacraw and Tooanahowi, Verelst/Faber, painted [& engd?] by order of Georgia trustees

LEP 22 Feb 1735 Calves Head Club, 6d

LEP 18 Mar, CJ 27 Mar 1736 Treacherous Patriot Unmasked, mezzo, 6d

LEP 4 May 1736 Augusta Pcess of W, Huijsm/Johnson

CJ 7 June, LEP 29 July 1736 The Parallel, 6d

LEP 27 Nov, CJ 11 Dec 1736 Ass loaded with Preferments, 6d

DG 14 Mar 1737 Aeneas in a Storm, 6d; Tartuff’s Banquet 1s

CJ 2 Apr 1737 Festival of the Golden Rump by the Author of Common Sense, 1s; Aeneas in a Storm 6d

CJ 24 June 1738 In Place, 6d; First and Last Days of Term

LEP 7 July 1739 Sir Jn Barnard, Ramsay/Faber, 2s

LEP 15 Jan 1740 Dicky Dickinson, 6d

LEP 11 Mar 1740 D of Argyle, Ramsay/Faber, 5s

LEP 4 Mar 1742 From one house to the other, 6d

LEP 11 Mar 1742 Reformation began in Denbighshire, 6d

LEP 18 Mar 1742 Britannia in Glory & in Mourning

LEP 2 Sep 1742 Charles of Lorraine, mezzo, Risco/Huchtenburg, 1s

DA 21 Apr 1743 Theodore King of Corsica, 6d

LEP 17 July, We 4 Aug 1744 The Snuff Box Portrayed, 16 Court lovers & toasts 6d; on vellum & col 10s 6d

GA 6 Oct 1745 Ceremony & Manner of Cursing by Bell, Book & Candle, 4d

GA 30 Oct 1745 He is the Heir and He must Reign, 6d

GA 12 Feb 1746 The Cabal, 6d/1s

GA, LEP 19 Apr 1746 The Unembarrsass’d Countenance, 6d

GA 25 Apr 1746 Tandem Triumphans, Dalton/Scotin

GA 25 Aug 1746 E of Kilmarnock & Ld Balmerino + scaffold, 1s

LEP 2 Apr, GA 4 Apr 1747 Dr George Berkeley, Brooks, list of booksellers & printsellers

GA 10 Apr 1747 Ascanius, ‘mezzo by Surugue imp from Paris’, ‘copied from eng by Darse done in Italy 1745’

GA 17 Apr 1747 The M-r-ys, or the Thistle Blown, 6d; Flora Macdonald, 1s

GA 27 June 1747 Two Shilling Butcher, 6d/1s; Curious set of Antique Heads, 1s; Westminster Election, 3d

LEP 17 Oct 1747 Danger & Folly of Going to Law, on royal, 1s/2s cold (at Dunciad, Ludgate St &c)

GA 7 Apr 1748 The Review, ½ sh roy, 1s; Sailor’s fleet Wedding, 6d

LEP 9 Apr 1748 The Ladies Review, 6d

GA 10, LEP 26 May 1748 Royal Family from Geo I, with emblems, 3s

GA 10 Jan 1749 Wheelbarrow Cries of Europe in 1748/9

GA 6 Mar 1749 Teresia Constantia Phillips, mezzo, 1s

GA 3 July 1749 Miss Ch-dly, in the naked Dress of Iphegenia

GA 26 July 1749 John of Gaunt in love, 6d

GA 31 July 1749 The Dutch-Beggars, 6d/1s

GA 29 Aug 1749 Solomon’s Glory, 6d

GA 17 Oct 1749 The True Contrast, 6d

GA 7 Nov 1749 John of Gaunt mounted, 6d

GA 24 Nov 1749 Britannia Disturbed, 6d



  1. Adams


LEP 25 Oct 1744 Sea Lions, 1s



  1. Amey


LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

LEP 6 Mar 1742 The Submission, 6d (with Cooper & Robinson)



  1. Angier


LEP Dec 1747 Garick in RIII, Hogarth, 3d/6d cold (with Tinney & Griffin)



Stephen Austen


LEP 22 May 1744 New Survey of the Globe. 35 plates by T. Templeman

LEP 2 Jan 1746 Wade’s Roads

LEP 25 Feb 1746 ib

LEP 6, GA 15 Mar 1746 Vertue’s Heads of Charles I and Supporters

LEP 22 May 1746 Highland Map now includes Culloden

16/10 Hollar/Chatelain/Regaud/Armstrong’s Views

8/11 Don Quixote/Scarron/Antiquities/Scripture pieces

LEP 30 Dec-1 Jan 1747 Scripture Prints, Raphael, Veronese &c/Miller, Vandergucht, Parr &C

LEP Dec 30-1 Jan 1747 View of Genoa, 1s (with Vandergucht)

LEP 31 Jan-3 Feb 1747 Boys in diff attitudes, 12 pls, Hollar, 2s

LEP Mar 1747 no. XVI of Scripture Prints; Pool of /Bethesda and Good Samaritan, Hogarth/Ravenet, to follow

LEP 26 May 1747 View of Clare-Mount, Rigaud, 3s/6s cold on grand Eagle; View of Castle Hill, Wootton/Rigaud, grand Eagle (with Toms)



Brabazon Aylmer


LG 30 Nov-3 Dec 1691 John, Archbishop of Canterbury, White, with Rogers



  1. Baker


LEP 22 July 1744 Marie Louisa



  1. Baker


Sp 10 Jan 1712 March of Chevalier de St. George, eng broadsheet

DC 29 Jan 1712 Character of Prince Eugene, broad-side, 3d

PB 26-29 July 1712 Plan of Dunkirk, 4d



Thomas Bakewell


LEP 7 Mar, CJ 9 Mar 1734 Banner to Immortal 204 MPs against the Excise Bill, imp paper, 2s 6d or 5s framed on cloth

LEP 17 June, CJ 16 Aug 1735 authorised copies of Hogarth’s Rake, 2s 6d

LEP 6 Nov 1735 Proposals for Corbridge Roman plate, 20 x 15″, 5s to subs (agent for Shaftoe)

LEP 27 Mar 1736 Tartuffe’s Banquet (with Gulliver)

LEP 24 Apr 1736 Corbridge plate ready

DG 5 Mar, CJ 12 Mar 1737 Distressed Poet, 3s; Four etchings of Heads in Groups 6d each; with list of works (distributor for Hogarth)

DG 22 Oct 1737 Yae-ough

LEP 3 Jan 1738 Pair to Yae-ough

LEP 19 Aug 1738 2 of D. of Bolton’s hunters, Seymour, 3′ 2″ x 2′, 1s 6d; the Old Cheese, near same size, 1s; Ye-ough & comp, 6d each; the Contrast, 8d

LEP 31 Mar 1739 ib., also another of Lord Portmore’s

LEP 14 Apr 1739 put down of Overton’s horse

LEP 15 June 1742 Agent for Wilkes’s English Butterflies

LEP 23 June 1742 Agent for Collier’s plan of Windsor and Eton

GA 19 Jan 1748 8 prs of Architecture, 2s 6d

GA 20 Apr 1748 Peter the Great and William III, Müller, 1s/2s (with Robinson, Overlove, Brookes and Tinney)

LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)

GA 24 Dec 1748 V of Wrexham Church, Boydell, 1s; 4 vs nr Ipswich in Suffolk, 2s; 4 more vs after nature, 2s (for Boydell)



  1. Baldwin


Sp 27 June 1712 Prospect of Armies



Richard Baldwin


LG 24-28 Sep 1691 Prince Lewis of Baden, Verelst/White



  1. Baldwin jun.


PA 2 Jan 1749 V of Fireworks for Aix-la-Chapelle, 4d



Edmund Barker


EP 20-22 Mar 1718 proposals, PB 8-11 Nov 1718 2 sheet Prospect of York, 48 x 19″, 2s 6d (with Taylor)



Bernard Baron


LEP 21-23 Nov 1728 The Sport of Hunting, 4 pls, Wootton/Baron, (for Wootton)

DP 13 June 1732 Cornaro Family, Titian/Baron

LEP 18 Mar 1740 E of Pembroke at Wilton, Van Dyck/Baron, 2’3″ x 18½”, ready Lady-Day, 13s 6d; Chas I on horse at Kensington, 2′ x 17″; Chas, Hen & D of Yk, finished c.Lady Day 1741, 9s each; 3 together £1 6s.

LEP 21 Nov 1741 2x Vandyke Charles I ready

LEP 24 Jan, GA 26 Jan 1747 William III on Horseback, Kneller/Baron, 6s; Duke of Cumberland, Wootton/Baron ready   in April; 9 Life of Achilles 1g; 7 Acts of Mercy 1g; Cornaro Family, Titian, 7s 6d; Chas on Horseback, Van Dyck, 9s; Chas & Family, Van Dyck, 9s; Moses in Bullrushes, Le Sueur, 5s

LEP 2 June 1748 Village plundered; country people’s revenge, Watteau/Baron, 6s



Isaac or John Basire


LEP 26 May 1741



  1. Bassett


PB 12-14 May 1702 Queen Anne, Kneller/M. Vandergucht, 6d, framed 1s 6d, (with Nutt)



Thomas Basset


LG 24-27 Aug 1691 Monarchs of England, Guy Miege, Wm Elder

LG 20-23 June 1692 Mr Russel, Admiral, eng



Thomas Batchelor


LG 14-17 Nov 1692 The Britannia, Wm Vandevelde, with Lea



William Beckett


LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Cooper, Mrs Oliver, Garret, Browne and Tijou



William Bellers


LEP 19 Nov 1734 Stock of Simon Gribelin (distributor for Sam Gribelin)



  1. Bennet


DC 28 Mar 1706 Marlborough, Vanderwerff, Van Gunst in Holland



Mr Bertrand


CJ 10 Feb 1733 Dr Geo Cheyney, Van Dienst/Faber, 1s 6d; also Hans Sloane, Murray (with P. Overton)

LEP 19 Nov 1734 Stock of Simon Gribelin (distributor for Sam Gribelin)



Mr Bevens


GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)



  1. Bickerton


GA 25 Jan 1745 The Northumberland, taken by the French, 1s/2s coloured (with Woodfall)



George Bickham


LEP 21 Feb 1738 The Musical Entertainer, no xxviii, 6d

LEP 16 Feb 1740 2 prints of fighting cocks, 2½’ x 3½’, 2s plain, 4s cold; 2 vs of Frost Fair 6d each

LEP 13 Mar 1740 English Colossus, 6d; Cocks; Frost Fair

LEP 7 Oct 1740 Political Medley, 1s; and 24 other satires &c listed

LEP 7 Mar 1741 The Political Libertines, or, Motion upon Motion, 6d; the Reason, 6d

LEP 18 Apr 1741 The Negotiators; 3rd edn of the Original Motion; Original Reason; Pyratical Reason; Colossus; Nob on the Wall, 6d each

DA 10 Jan, LEP 3 Feb 1743 Surrender of Prague, 6d/1s (with Overton & Meyer)

LEP 10 Feb 1743 Weekly: The Minutes of Both Houses, 2d

DA 25 Mar 1743 Auricula Koning van Vranckryk, first of poss 12, 2s col

DA 6 Apr 1743 (?psudonym ‘G. Vinegar’) Political Battle-Royal, 6d (? with Robinson)

DA 8 Apr 1743 A New Political Print explain’d, 6d; J-l’s Wif, 6d; A Duel and no Duel, 6d (with G. Foster)

DA 27 Apr 1743 Auricula Empress of Russia, 1s/2s; next week Tulips in a Water-Glass

LEP 12 May 1743 Universal Penman by GB senior

DA 24 May 1743 Scottish Highlander’s Bagpipe [parody of Meyer], Deliciae Britannicae, 2s 6d; 2 Auriculas, 2s each; 3 Tulips, 2s each

LEP 20 Oct 1743 Break-Neck-Fox-Chase; GB & Ireland’s Yawn; John Hunt; Sam MacPherson; French Soldier & captured standards; Highland Piper; Thamas Kouli Kan; 2 Auriculas in pots; 6 Tulips in water-glasses; curiosities of Hampton & Windsor

LEP 16 Aug 1744 Jean de la Tour, by GB jun., Auriculas, Tulips,, 2s each, Miss Thumb, the Snuff Box portrayed

LEP 20 Dec 1744 Next sculls at the Adm—-ty, 6d/1s; Face of the Country whereon Hanover Stands; 18 political prints for 1739-44 for framing or binding

We 22 Dec 1744 Dresden & Brussels Patterns &c

GA 4 Jan 1745 The Evacuation, 6d plain, 1s coloured; Next Skulls at the A-ty, 6d/1s; The Face of the Country whereon Hanover Stands, 6d/1s; set of political prints for five years past

We 9 Feb 1745 The European Mourners; above prs; set of pol prs from 1739, 4d each; 23 Hussars, 10s 6d/1g; cuts to the school of Venus, 2s/6s

GA 23 Oct, We 2 Nov 1745 Publick Credit, 1s 6d/2s cold, ‘sold at Garraway’s Coffee House where the gentlemen             subscribed’; We woith Briton’s Association; The miter’d Soldier; The Pretender in a Highland Dress

We 28 Dec 1745 The Ladies Nosegays, flowers & blossoms, big as life &c &c

GA 4 Jan 1746 Papist on Horseback, 6d/1s; Public Credit, 1s

GA 12 Mar 1746 The Bob Cherry; The Parcae; Britain’s Association; Papist on Horseback; Likeness notwithstanding; O Yes any Person who secures the Son of the Pretender; Next Skulls; Face of the Country, 6d/1s

GA 20 Mar, LEP 5 Apr 1746 (pseudonym ‘G. Lamb’) Nurse for the Hessians; The Bob-Cherry; A Papist on Horseback; The Pretender & the Pope’s Bulls; The Court Fright; A Likeness, notwithstanding

GA 2 May 1746 Ladies Nosegays in Flower Pots, 6d/1s; Dresden & Brussels patterns; political prints in sets

GA 19 May 1746 The Victory, 6d/1s

GA 3 July 1746 A Victualler or Publican, 6d/1s

LEP 7 Aug 1746 Rebel Lords/satires/army cards

GA 11 Sep 1746 Moll Handy; The Cat’s Paw; Rebel Lords; Association of Britons; The Papist; Bob Cherry; Ghost of the late D; the Duke in all his Glory, 6d/1s

GA 2 May 1747 letter signed Elzevir, 6d; snuff-boxes; the Mur-ys or the Thistle Blown; the Leap-Frogs; Lord Lovat’s Funeral Ticket; the late Stocking Event at Oxford; The Butcher; The Lord Beheaded; Regimental cards, 2s 6d/5s

GA 27 June 1747 Two Shilling Butcher, 6d/1s; Curious set of Antique Heads, 1s; Westminster Election, 3d

GA 7, LEP 8 Oct 1747 Banging Bout at Litchfield, 6d/1s cold; with priced list

GA 9 Jan 1748 Foote as Puzzle, 6d/1s

GA 28 May 1748 Preliminary Congress of A-x la C-pp-le, 6d/1s

GA 18 Nov 1748 The Grumbler, 6d; Old England’s T. Totum; Foote as Puzzle; Mrs B in the Fortunate Transport; Preliminary Congress; Antique Heads of Cambridge; Quakery Unmasked

GA 26 Dec 1748 Curious posture in manner of Aretine, 6d/1s

GA 10 Jan 1749 The Wheelbarrow Cries of Europe in 1748-9, 6d/1s

GA 24 Jan 1749 The Bottle Conjuror, 6d/1s cold

GA 16 Feb 1749 Conduct of two B-rs, 6d; Groans & Miseries of GB; Luxembourgh Galleries Dialogue; Freeborn Englishman’s Unmark’d Battery; Cry aloud and Spare not

GA 4 Mar 1749 6 political cries of Paris, Boucher/Fougeron, 2s

GA 15 Apr 1749 Fireworks at Paris Feb 12 1749, 1s

GA 15 June 1749 The Beau Monde, animal head caricatures, 2s

GA 21 June 1749 The Merchant Taylors

GA 7 July 1749 Miss C-y as Iphigenia

GA 8 Aug 1749 The Bellman and the Captain, 6d; The Prodigal Son; Chart of the ’45, 5s

GA 28 Sep 1749 Hero of Cape Breton, 6d &c

GA 26 Oct 1749 The Laugh, 6d &c

GA 30 Nov 1749 no. I of The British Monarchy, 6d



Samuel Bird


LEP 25 Jan 1735 agent for Rysbrack Fish & Fowl

DA 6 Apr 1743 New Draught of Humber (distributor)



Mr Bourns


LG 9-12 Nov 1691 Triumphal arch in Cheapside, mezzo, with Lens and Bowles



Emanuel Bowen


WJ 22 Oct 1720 Bubble Cards, 3s, (with T. Bowles)

PB 6-8 Feb 1722 The Slaves Jubilee

WJ 23 June 1722; PB 26-28 June 1722  Banners and Standard of Loyalists

PB 4-7 Aug 1722 Prospect of Mequinez

WJ 25 Jan 1724 Nature and Causes of Eclipses



John Bowles


EP 27-29 Oct 1724 John Sheppard, 6d (with T. Bowles)

EP 8-10 Dec 1724 John Sheppard, Thornhill/G. White, 2s (with J. Bowles)

DP 10 May 1725 Hampton Court Beauties, 12 lge prs + portr of Kneller, mezzo (distributor for Jn Cooper)

EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with T. Bowles, P. Overton, Taylor, King and Vandergucht

PB 29 Jan 1726 Jesuit’s Perspective and other Drawing Books (with T.Bowles)

EP 29 Jan 1726 22 Sea Pieces, Baston, 2gs, (with T. Bowles, Crosley, Combs and Crownfield)

CJ 9 Mar, PB 4-6 Apr 1728 10 prints Reign of Charles I, to subs 1½gs (with T. Bowles and Johnston)

DP 16 Jan 1727 Prospects of Gibraltar, Majorca &c (with T. Bowles)

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold. by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 25 Jan 1735 ib

LEP 4 Mar 1735 Set of Reign of Charles I, 1s 6d; inc Civil War loyalists, till now 1s 6d singly, by S. Nutting

LEP 7 Aug 1735 large view of Scarborough, , Setterington, 5s, 2 imp sh, (agent for Setterington)

LEP 31 Jan 1736 6 Vs of E. India Co’s settlements, chiaro, Kirkall, 15s or 2gs framed (with T. Bowles)

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

LEP 18 July 1738 Agent for Graham’s Map of Bedfordshire at 10s 6d

LEP 28 July 1739 Childers, 2′ 2″ x 3′; Chaunters; V of Round Course; set of 25 racehorses by Parr, 7½” x 8½”; 6 Alexander’s Battles, 8″ x 14″, Parr

LEP 9 Aug 1739 New..Map of the World, 1s 6d

LEP 16 Feb 1740 Atlas Minor, x52 at 12s stitched, 14s bound

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

LEP 1 May 1740 Plans of Portobello and Carthagena, at 1s

LEP 16 Apr 1741 x4 Elephant Paper maps: World and Continents

LEP 15 June 1742 Agent for Wilkes’s English Butterflies

LEP 5 Oct 1742 New Map of Germany / Bowen, at 1s 6d

LEP 12 Feb 1743 Adv. new edn. of E. Chambers’s Practice of Perspective

LEP 23 Apr, DA 24 Apr 1743 Falstaff’s Cowardice; Playing at Quadrille; Mlle Catharina; Wapping landlady, dir by Gravelot, 5s

LEP 10 May 1743 King & Miller; Gipsey Fortune teller; cardhouses; cricket match; May Day; Stealing a Kiss; Jobson & Nell; Sliding on ice

LEP 21 June 1743 9 Achilles, Rubens, Baron, 1g; 7 Acts of Mercy, Old Franks; 12 Sea Pieces, Baron, 12s.

LEP 28 June 1743 New Map of the Empire of Germany at 4s

LEP 1 Mar 1744 Sea charts of Channel by Moll; Plan of Dunkirk

LEP 11 Aug 1744 (more War maps)

GA 21 Mar 1745 The Practice of Perspective (with T.B.)

GA 21 Mar 1745 Micrographia Restaurata (with Dodsley)

GA 10 Apr 1745 Giant’s Causeway, Vivares, 27 x 16½, 7s (distributor)

LEP 1 Mar 1746 remaining Baron/Rigaud set of Stowe, 2gs

LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs (distributor for Wale)

GA 15, LEP 19 Apr 1746 12 Sea Pieces, Monamy/Canot, 1g; also 12 Venice, Marieschi; 22 Palaces &c in London

LEP 20 May 1746 Plan and View of Culloden at 6d each

GA 23 Jan 1747 12 English Butterflies by Wilkes, 14s/£1 11s 6d

LEP 24 Jan, GA 26 Jan 1747 William III on Horseback, Kneller/Baron, 6s; Duke of Cumberland, Wootton/Baron ready   in April; 9 Life of Achilles 1g; 7 Acts of Mercy 1g; Cornaro Family, Titian, 7s 6d; Chas on Horseback, Van Dyck, 9s; Chas & Family, Van Dyck, 9s; Moses in Bullrushes, Le Sueur, 5s (distributor for Baron)

LEP 24 Jan 1747 William III on Horseback, Kneller/Baron, 6s (distributor for Baron)

LEP 31 Jan 1747 Bowen map of Germany (from De L’Isle)

GA 11 Feb 1747 12 English Birds, Collins, 14 x 18″, (with S. Simpson, T. Bowles, J. King)

GA 26 Feb 1747 12 Sea Pieces, Monamy/Canot, 1g

GA 4 Apr 1747 George Berkeley, B of Cloyne, Brooks, 1s (distributor ?for Brooks)

LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)

GA 8 Mar 1749 View of the structure for fireworks, 1s/2s  [Parr]



Thomas Bowles


LG 9-12 Nov 1691 Triumphal arch in Cheapside, mezzo, with Lens and Bourns

LG 8-10 Nov 1708 Three Prospects of St Paul’s on 4 imp sheets

Ex 12-16 Apr 1714 Plan of Dunkirk, lge imp, 1s 6d with Morphew

PB 10-12 Feb 1715 Coronation of King George, Dubosc, 2s 6d (with Regnier); also vs & plans of Blenheim; Powis-House; Queens Statue, St Paul’s; vs of St Paul’s Cathedral; 1s each

EP 11-13 Aug 1715 Jn Duke of Ormonde, Gribelin, 1s 6d (with Morphew)

EP 6-9 Apr 1717 6 Battles of Marlborough, L.Laguerre/Fr masters, 18 x 12″, + Fr & Eng acct, 10s advance secures first imp (with Overton)

EP 10-12 July, PB 12-15 July 1718 Academy Figures, Cheron/G. Vandergucht, eng

PB 3-5 Mar 1719, WJ 7 Mar Siege of Frederickshall, 2 sheets Imp, 4′ x 2′, 2s 6d

PB 24-27 Oct, EP 27-29 Oct 1719 Cupola of St Paul’s, Thornhill/Simoneau, G. Vandergucht, Beauvais, Baron, Dubosc, eng, 1g sub (distributor for Thornhill)

PB 18-20, WJ 22 Oct 1720 Bubble Cards, 3s, (with E. Bowen)

PB 14-16 Mar 1721 Plan of Ceuta, 1s; 2 Bubblers Mirror, 1s each; 2 Bubblers Medley, 1s each

WJ Apr 1721 The Bubblers Kingdom Picart/Baron; pair the Bubblers Mirror; pair The Bubblers Medley, 1s each, (with J. Garret, J. King, T. Glass, and P. Overton)

PB 29 Apr 1721 Cartoons of Raphael, 7 & frontis by Tardieu, 1g

PB 21-23 Sep 1721 Robin’s Flight

PB 4-7 Nov 1721 Head of a South Sea Villain, 6d

PB 27-30 Jan 1722 24 prints of Stair Case at Versailles, Le Brun; Battles by Vandermeulen, by sub (with King, Hennekin &c)

PB 16-19 Feb 1722 John, late Duke of Marlborough, Kneller/Vertue

PB 2-5 Mar 1722 Antiquities of St Paul’s (with Jas Cole, Jo Smith, T. Taylor &c)

PB 5-8 Jan 1723 Francis, Bishop of Rochester, mezzo

PB 16-19 Feb 1723 Jn Duke of Buckingham, Kneller/Vertue

PB 8-10 Jan, EP 26-29 Mar 1723 History of St Peter’s Westminster, 100 pls (with Jas Cole, A. Johnston, Jo Smith, T. Taylor &c)

WJ 29 Feb 1724 Practical Architecture, W. Halfpenny

WJ 4 Apr 1724 Desc of the … Gt Eclipse of the Sun + 2 others and glasses to observe eclipses (with J. Bowles)

EP 27-29 Oct 1724 John Sheppard, 6d (with T. Bowles)

EP 8-10 Dec 1724 John Sheppard, Thornhill/G. White, 2s (with J. Bowles)

DP 10 May 1725 Hampton Court Beauties, 12 lge prs + portr of Kneller, mezzo (distributor for Jn Cooper)

EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with J. Bowles, P. Overton, Taylor, King and Vandergucht

PB 29 Jan 1726 Jesuit’s Perspective and other Drawing Books (with T.Bowles)

EP 29 Jan 1726 22 Sea Pieces, Baston, 2gs, (with J. Bowles, Crosley, Combs and Crownfield)

CJ 9, DP 14 Mar, PB 4-6 Apr 1728 10 prints Reign of Charles I, to   subs 1½gs (with J., Johnston and Wm Cossley)

DP 16 Jan 1727 Prospects of Gibraltar, Majorca &c (with J. Bowles)

DP 22 Jan 1728 Table of Succession of Kings of Eng & Sc (with J. King, J. Clark and J. Stagg)

1729 25/2 Proposals for Templeman New Survey of the Globe

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Twelve Labours of Hercules, Cheron/Vandergucht, subs 12s (distributor for Vandergucht)

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold. by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 25 Jan 1735 Agent for Rysbrack/Vandergucht Fowl & Fish x8

LEP 31 Jan 1736 6 Vs of E. India Co’s settlements, chiaro, Kirkall, 15s or 2gs framed (with T. Bowles)

LEP 24 June 1736 Props for 60 designs for Italian ornament, 1g (distributor for G. Brunetti)

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

LEP 16 Feb 1740 Atlas Minor

LEP 1 May 1740 Agent for plan of Battle of Stavutshane

LEP 15 June 1742 ready for subs 12 designs of English Butterflies, inc 300 flies & moths, 1g (distributor for Wilkes)

LEP 5 Oct 1742 New Map of Germany by Bowen at 1s 6d

LEP 12 Feb 1743 Chambers’s Practice of Perspective

LEP 23 Apr, DA 24 Apr 1743 Falstaff’s Cowardice; Playing at Quadrille; Mlle Catharina; Wapping landlady, dir by Gravelot, 5s

LEP 10 May 1743 King & Miller; Gipsey Fortune teller; card houses; cricket match; May Day; Stealing a Kiss; Jobson & Nell; Sliding on ice

LEP 21 June 1743 9 Achilles, Rubens, Baron, 1g; 7 Acts of Mercy, Old Franks; 12 Sea Pieces, Baron, 12s.

LEP 28 June 1743 Map of State of the War in Germany at 4s

LEP 2 Feb 1744 LEP 2 Feb 1744 Figures in Modern Habits, no. 1, 2s 6d (Agent for Gravelot)

LEP 1 Mar 1744 Moll Chart of the Channel; plan of Dunkirk

LEP 11 Aug 1744 Maps of Germany; Flanders; Rhine &c

GA 21 Mar 1745 The Practice of Perspective (with J.B.)

GA 22 Feb, LEP 1 Mar 1746 remaining sets of Baron/Rigaud Stowe, 2gs (with J. Bowles, Hitch and Toms)

LEP 19 Apr 1746 12 Sea Pieces, Monamy/Canot, 1g; also 12 Venice, Marieschi; 22 Palaces &c in London

LEP 20 May 1746 Culloden: view and plan at 6d each

GA 23 Jan 1747 12 English Butterflies by Wilkes, 14s/£1 11s 6d

LEP 24 Jan, GA 26 Jan 1747 William III on Horseback, Kneller/Baron, 6s; Duke of Cumberland, Wootton/Baron ready   in April; 9 Life of Achilles 1g; 7 Acts of Mercy 1g; Cornaro Family, Titian, 7s 6d; Chas on Horseback, Van Dyck, 9s; Chas & Family, Van Dyck, 9s; Moses in Bullrushes, Le Sueur, 5s (distributor for Baron)

LEP 24 Jan 1747 William III on Horseback, Kneller/Baron, 6s (distributor for Baron)

LEP 31 Jan 1747 Bowen from De L’Isle map of War in Provence

GA 11 Feb 1747 12 English Birds, Collins, 14 x 18″, (with S. Simpson, J. Bowles, J. King)

GA 26 Feb 1747 12 Sea Pieces, Monamy/Canot, 1g

GA 4 Apr 1747 George Berkeley, B of Cloyne, Brooks, 1s (distributor ?for Brooks)

GA 27 Apr 1748 Tho. Chubb of Salisbury, mezzo, 1s 6d; Culloden 2s

LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)

GA 8 Mar 1749 View of the structure for fireworks, 1s/2s (with John) [Parr]



John Boydell


GA 24 Dec 1748 V of Wrexham Church, Boydell, 1s; 4 vs nr Ipswich in Suffolk, 2s; 4 more vs after nature, 2s



Sarah Bridgeman


LEP 20 Mar 1740 Plan & 15 vws of Stowe, Rigaud, 4gs



John Brindley


LEP 7 Sep 1734

LEP 3 July 1736

LEP 6 Nov 1736

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

DG 16 June 1737 Duke of Newcastle’s Horsemanship, in quires 4gs, bound £5; plates provided by E. of Oxford

GA 26 Mar 1747 SE Prospect of Westminster Bridge with Lord Mayor’s show, Canaletto, on imp, 18 x 23½, 2s 6d, a few col for curious

GA 2 June 1747 City through arch of Westminster Bridge, 16 x 22″, some col

LEP 14 June 1747 2, William and Mary, 2′ x 2’3″, Van Gunst, 5s

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs



Mr Brooker


CJ 8 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Bickham jun, 1s (with Guerrier and Upton)



Peter Brookes


GA 19 Apr 1746 Wm D of Cumberland, 3d/6d

GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)

GA 19 Feb, LEP 31 Mar 1747 Miss Macdonald 6d; Jenny Cameron 6d; Young Adventurer 6d; Simon Lord Lovat 6d (with W. Owen)

GA 3 June 1747 Geo II; Pr & Pcess of Orange; 2 of Duke, one in profile; Ravenet in miniature (with Forrest, Tinney &c)

LEP 2-5 Aug 1747 Plan of Bergen op Zoom, 6d

GA 28 Nov 1747 Dr Thos Secker, Wills, mezzo, 1s 6d; D of Cumberland for a watch, 3d/6d; 12 Hudibras, des & engd      Hogarth, 12s; 8 Birds, Barlow, Griffier & Place, 2s 6d (with Brookes & M. Overton)

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs

GA 20 Apr 1748 Peter the Great and William III, Müller, 1s/2s (with Robinson, Overlove, Bakewell and Tinney)

GA 28 Jan 1749 Publick Fireworks, 1s (with R. Sayer); also Secker

GA 2 May 1749 4 vs of Paris, Rigaud, 4s (with Sayer)



John Brooks


GA 20 Dev 1749 Sir George Vandeput, Knapton, Brooks and Houston



Christopher Browne


LG 8-12 Oct 1691 Emperor and Kings of Europe

LG 6-9 June 1692 New Draught of Namur (with Morden)

LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Cooper, Mrs Oliver, Garret, Beckett and Tijou



Jonas Browne


EP 7-10 Apr 1716 Britannia Illustrata, ii, Kip, 80 pls. (with Jo Smith)



Gaetano Brunetti


LEP 24 June 1736 Props for 60 designs for Italian ornament, 1g



Samuel and Nathaniel Buck


LEP 12 Mar 1734 Death of distributing agent for Perspective           Views of ancient monasteries, castles &c

LEP 8 Feb 1735 Drawings of Antiquities to publish this year

LEP 12 Feb 1736 11th set of vs (Kent) ready for subs

LEP 6 Jan 1739 next set, Cumberland & Westmorland

LEP 7 Feb 1740 2 vs of St Michael’s Mount

LEP 27 May 1740  Norwich, Lynn, Yarmouth, Ipswich, Bury, Colchester incomplete until next Feb

LEP 5 Dec 1741 N. Wales ready; also 14 English sets complete

LEP 23 Nov 1742 Ely, Cambridge, Lincoln, Stamford, Nottingham, Leicester ready Mar 1743; then Yorkshire

LEP Nov 1744 York, Hull, Scarborough, Leeds, Sheffield, Ripon ready Apr 1745; Durham, Carlisle, Newcastle, Berwick forthcoming

LEP Oct 1747 5 London & 1 Portsmouth, subs, 15s

LEP 4 Feb 1748 South Wales, London & Portsmouth

GA 2 Sep 1749 London & Portsmouth ‘now printing off’



Richard Budd


GA 21 Aug 1747 Rev Roger Pickering, [Burford], 1s



Thomas Burford


LEP 24 Sep 1741 Portrait of Rev. William Warburton

LEP 26 Sep 1742 Frederick II, Burford, 1s; also Charles of Lorraine by Huchenberg, 1s (with H. Overton)



Andrea Casali


GA Apr 1749 4 pls of pics in front of fireworks, 1g to subs,   then 2gs, ready May

GA 14 June 1749 prs ready, subs for 1 month longer



Peter Casteels


CJ 17 Apr 1731 12 Months of Flowers, Casteels/Fletcher, 2gs (with Furber and Fletcher)

LEP 29-31 Jan 1734 12 Fruit Pieces, black £1 5s, coloured £2 12s 6d; 12 prints of birds same price; also flowers same price (with Furber, Collins)



  1. Chapelle


GA 29 Jan 1745 The French Bird Kick’d into a Cage, 6d

GA 21 Mar 1745 8 Views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 19 x 15, £1 5s (distributor)

LEP 31 Jan 1747

LEP 9 Jan 1748

GA 18 Mar 1748 Adm Peter Warren, 1s 6d

LEP 12, GA 14 Apr 1748 Lord Anson, mezzo, 1s 6d; Sir Peter Warren, 1s 6d; Defeating of French off Cape Finisterre 3 May 1747, 1s (distributor for Corbett)

LEP 7 May 1748 Props for 36 vs of Nobs & Gents seats, late Badeslade, of first edn, 1g bound or 1s each; aloe in Sir Rob Grosvenor’s gdns at Eaton Hall, 2s/3s; NE prospect of             Chirk castle

GA 20 Dev 1749 Sir George Vandeput, Knapton, Brooks and Houston, (with Owen for Brooks)



Mr Chassereau


CJ 22 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Hylton (distributor for Hylton)



William Cheyney


EP 12-15 Nov 1715 Boston Church, imp



John Clark


WJ 27 Apr 1720 Queen Anne with emblems &c, eng, 6d (with M. Overton)

DP 22 Jan 1728 Table of Succession of Kings of Eng & Sc (with T. Bowles, J. King, and J. Stagg)

CJ 16 Mar 1728 Fenton as Polly Peachum, Ellys/Faber

CJ 21 Feb 1730 2 Kings and Queens, 2s set (with S. Sympson, J. Cluer)

CJ 30 Dec 1732 Palladio (distributor for B. Cole)

LEP 21 Apr 1734 Excise Map of Eng & Wales, Bowen, 3 sheets imp, 2s 6d (with B. Dickenson)

LEP 15 July 1736 The Funeral of Madam Geneva, 1s (with W. Johnson, distiller)

LEP 29 July 1736 2nd impression of ditto

LEP 18 Nov 1736 Funeral of Mother Gin; the Female Anatomists, 6d each (with Dodd, Jackson, Hulton, Regnier &c)



Henry Clements in Oxford


DC Feb 1714 Props for Albin’s Nat Hist of Eng Insects, 100 pls, cold by Albin (with Overton, Jeffery and Innys)



John Cluer


WJ 4 Jan 1718 Tonbridge Hieroglyphical Love Letter; Old Senior John the Smoker &C, woodcuts

CJ 21 Feb 1730 2 Kings and Queens, 2s set (with S. Sympson, J. Clark)



Thomas Cobb


CJ 21 Sep 1734 Miniature prints for Watch Cases, 6d each

CJ 12 Oct 1734 Lesson to Youth; gt variety of fancies, framed 6d; royal sheet & lottery pics for children; road map 3d



Thomas Cockerill


PB 10-12 July 1701 Five Kentish Gentlemen



Benjamin Cole


WJ 20 May 1721 Diabolical Masquerade

WJ 29 Feb 1724 The Art of Sound Building, W. Halfpenny

CJ 30 Dec 1732 Palladio

LEP 17 Sep 1741 James Hall & his confession, 3d

GA 29 Nov 1745 The Soldier’s Pocket Companion

LEP 11 Dec 1746



James Cole


PB 23-25 June 1720 The Bubblers Bubbled; Complete View of the Church in the Strand; Fool’s Paradise; The World in Masquerade, all by Cole

PB 8-11 Sep 1722 Funeral Procession of Marlborough, 1s (with H.   Overton)

PB 8-10 Jan, EP 26-29 Mar 1723 History of St Peter’s Westminster, 100 pls (with T. Bowles, A. Johnston, Jo Smith, T. Taylor &c)

PB 2-5 Mar 1722 Antiquities of St Paul’s (with T. Bowles, Jo Smith, T. Taylor &c)

LEP 13 Mar 1740 Roman Pavements at Weldon, double ele, 6s, illuminated 15s (with Kirkall)

LEP 19 Apr 1746 The Pretender’s Son taking leave of the Pope &c, 1s



Charles Collins


LEP 29-31 Jan 1734 12 Fruit Pieces, black £1 5s, coloured £2 12s 6d; 12 prints of birds same price; also flowers same price (with Furber, Casteels)



James Collins


DC 25 Jan 1707 Prospect of Rochester, Collins

EP 5-7 Sep 1717 Prince Eugene, sent from Vienna/Collins, 1s



  1. Collyer


GA 21 May 1745 James Campbell the Brave Highlander, 6d

GA 31 Oct 1745 The Rebellion Displayed



Edmund Comyns


GA 18 Mar 1748 Adm Peter Warren, 1s 6d

GA 14 Apr 1748 Lord Anson, mezzo, 1s 6d; Defeating of French off Cape Finisterre 3 May 1747, 1s



Christopher Coningsby


PB 10-13 Aug 1713 Public Entry of D’Aumont, eng, Demy, 1s



Edward Cooper


LG 7-11 May 1691 Fight at the Boyne, T. Maas

LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Beckett, Mrs Oliver, Garret, Browne and Tijou

LG 27-31 Mar 1701 King of Sweden, eng from orig pic, with            Overton, 1s.

PB 11-14 Nov 1710 Lord Summers, Kneller

Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs (distrib for Dorigny)

PB 11-13 Mar 1712 Darius’s Tent, Le Brun, 2s (with H. Overton)

Sp 30 Jan 1712 Chief Justice Hales, eng, reduced from 1s to 6d; Seven Cartons of Raphael, mezzo, [Simon], reduced from 20s to 15s.

Sp 7 May 1712 Prince Eugene, mezzo, Kneller, 2s (with H.   Overton)

PB 6-9 Feb 1713 Thos Earl of Strafford, mezzo, d’Agar/Simon

PB 24-27 Oct, EP 27-29 Oct 1719 Cupola of St Paul’s, Thornhill/Simoneau, G. Vandergucht, Beauvais, Baron, Dubosc, eng, 1g sub (distributor for Thornhill)

PB 3-5 May 1720 ready for subs

PB 21-24 May 1720 remainder not subscribed for at £1 5s set



John Cooper


DP 10 May 1725 prop; DP 23 Feb 1727 ready; Hampton Court Beauties, 12 lge prs + portr of Kneller, mezzo

PB 5 Feb 1726 12 of Hudibras, Hogarth, Fr Imp, 15s to subs (with Overton)



John Cooper


LEP 31 Jan 1740

LEP 10 Aug 1742 Poetical Tom-Tit, 6d



Mrs M. Cooper


LEP 10 May, DA 26 May 1743 Ranelagh Gdns & Amphitheatre, Scip Maffei, imp, 1s; 4 Sailor’s Progress, Meckenley, roy, 4s

LEP 19 May 1743 Old England, 6d

LEP 25 June, DA 28 June 1743 Plan of battle of Dettingen, 6d/1s

LEP 28 July 1743 Execution of 3 Highlanders at the Tower, 6d/1s; George Daragh, hero at Dettingen, 6d/1s

LEP 28 Aug 1743 Plan of Dunkirk, 1s/2s (with H. Overton)

LEP 1 Mar 1744 Chart of English & St George’s channels, 6d

LEP 20 Mar 1744 Court & Country united against a Popish Invasion, 1s/2s

LEP 7 July 1744 Prince Charles’s passage over the Rhine, 1s

LEP 31 July 1744 Plan of Fort Louis, 1s

GA 22 Feb 1745 Charles de Belle-Isle, Rigaud/Wille/Bickham, 1s

GA 12 Apr 1745 7 views of Engagement near Toulon, Mess. Parr, 10s 6d (distributor for Millan)

GA 28 Sep 1745 The Invasion, or Perkin’s Triumph, 6d

GA 6 Oct 1745 Court & Country United against the Popish Invasion, 1s

GA 8 Nov 1745, The Pope’s Butcher, 6d/1s cold (with J. King and M. Overton)

We 16 Nov 1745 Battle of Seatown, 21 Sep 1745 [Prestonpans], 1s/2s with Fourdrinier, Dodsley, Chapelle, Amey, Joliffe)

GA 13 Dec 1745 Mr Pope’s Garden, John Serle, 1s 6d

GA 17 Jan 1746 D of Cumberland, 6d a to A (distributor with King, Tinney and Hulton)

GA 8 Feb 1746 Plan of Falkirk battle with v of Stirling, 1s/2s (with Millan)

LEP 10 June 1746 Culloden, 1s

GA 20 Aug 1746 Scaffold & Executing of Rebel Lords on 18 Aug, 6d

GA 27 Aug 1746 The Bum Ghost, 6d (with M. Overton)

LEP 13 Jan 1747 Hieroglyphic Political Map of Europe and America

LEP 24 Jan 1747 Orator H-y against Culloden, 6d

GA 30 Jan, LEP 31 Jan 1747 The Modern Duel, 6d/1s cold (with Mosley and M. Overton)

GA 16 Dec 1747 Plan of battle of Val 13 July 1747 (with M. Overton)



  1. Cooper


LEP 27 Sep 1740 Chart of Atlantic, 6d

LEP 26 Feb 1741 The Motion (hieroglphyical) 3d

LEP 28 Feb 1741 Satire, The Reason, 6d

LEP 26 Mar, DG 30 Mar 1741 The Funeral of Faction, 6d

DG 4 Apr 1741, LEP 4 Apr 1741 The Acquittal, 6d

LEP 14 Apr 1741 Emblematical Print, Cat in Pan, 6d

LEP 3 Nov 1741 The C-rd-n-l’s Master Piece, 6d

LEP 5 Dec 1741 Apelles Britannicus no.1, fol pl, Gravelot, 1s (with R. Dodsley)

LEP 16 Feb 1742 The Queen of Hungary Stripp’d, 6d

LEP 6 Mar 1742 The Submission, 6d (with Amey & Robinson)

LEP 16 Mar 1742 The Screen, 6d

DA 8 Jan 1743 London’s Conduct stands the test, 6d; Love Frolicks; Bob’s Last Shift



Charles Corbett


LEP 7 Sep 1734

LEP 6 Nov 1736

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

LEP 19 Aug 1740 late Sir William Wyndham, Faber, 1s

LEP 19 Oct 1740 replacement, the former inaccurate, 6d

WJ 8 Oct 1742 The Toy for Miss Thumb to learn ABC, 6d

LEP 13 May 1746

LEP 29 June 1747 Battle off Cape Finisterre, 1s/1s 6d

GA 4, LEP 9 Feb 1748 The Political Biters, 6d

GA 18 Mar 1748 Adm Peter Warren, 1s 6d

LEP 12, GA 14 Apr 1748 Lord Anson, mezzo, 1s 6d; Sir Peter Warren, 1s 6d; Defeating of French off Cape Finisterre 3 May 1747, 1s



Mr Cox


LEP 9 Aug 1744 Props for 8 vs of Hampton Court & Kensington, 19 x 14, to subs 1g, ready Nov, the £1 5s (distributor)

GA 21 Mar 1745 8 Views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 19 x 15, £1 5s (distributor)



Benjamin Cowse


PB 6-8 Aug 1713 Draught of the Royal Fire Work, 7 July 1713, Thornhill



Cary Creed


CJ 23 Jan 1731, WJ 23 Jan 1731 Marble Antiquities at Wilton, etched by Creed

LEP 3 Apr, CJ 10 Apr 1736 Marble Statues at Wilton, 74 pls

LEP 3 Apr 1736



Nathaniel Crouch


PB 31 Jan-3 Feb 1713 The Royal Martyr Charles I, mezzo, Faber, 1s 6d (distributor for Faber?)



Edmund Curll


EP 24-26 July 1718 Addison Kneller/Vandergucht, ?6d or 1s 6d

EP 11-13 Nov 1718 16 poets by Vandergucht & Vertue, royal, 6d each



  1. Curson


DP 1 Sep 1725 Peter Lord King, Vertue



  1. Daliston


25-28 Nov 1710 Baron Spanheim, 1s 6d, framed 3s 6d



Richard Dalton


LEP 12 Apr 1746 10 Antique Statues ready (also from Dodsley)

GA 8 May 1746 lge pr from Paradise Lost, IV, 436, Dalton, Ravenet & Chatelain, 5s

GA 4 Feb 1747 Venus de Medicis, Dalton/Ravenet, no. 11, to subs;

GA 4 May 1748 Statues ready for subs; City supplied by J. King

LEP 8 Dec 1748 20 antique statues, complete



Mr Dalvy


LEP 21 Feb 1736 Prospect of Merlin’s Cave, fan



  1. Davis


LEP 6 Mar 1746 Vertue’s Heads of Charles I and Supporters (with Austen & Toms)

LEP 17 Mar 1748



Mr Delassol


LEP 8 July 1738 Grove at Bath; Rural Harmony of Vaux-Hall (distributor for Pinchbeck)



William and Cluer Dicey


LEP 9 Nov 1736 origins of business, bought from Thomas Cobb,

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

LEP 19 Apr 1746



Bispham Dickinson


DP 26 Apr 1732 Harlot’s Progress in 6 cantos

LEP 21 Apr 1734 Excise Map of Eng & Wales, Bowen, 3 sheets imp, 2s 6d (with B. Dickenson)

LEP 11-14 Oct 1747 The Litchfield Squabble, 1s

GA 16, LEP 20 Oct 1747 Race for Canterbury, 6d (pamph + frontis)

GA 29 Apr 1748 Sir Peter Warren, on roy, 1s

GA 6 Feb 1749 Virtue in Distress, 1s

GA 10 Feb An Apology to the Town, 6d

GA 19 May 1749 Jubilee Ball or Masquerade, 1s



Mr Dighton


Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs (distributor for Dorigny)



  1. and M. Dodd


LEP 13 Feb 1735 Blessed Martyr, Vertue (A. Dodd)

LEP 17 June 1735 mezzo, T Coster MP for Bristol, green or black (A. Dodd)

LEP 18 Nov 1736 Funeral of Mother Gin; the Female Anatomists, 6d each (M. Dodd, Clark, Jackson, Hulton, Regnier &c)

LEP 21 Oct 1738 Rysbrack statue of Q. Anne, on roy 6d, a few on imp 1s (Mrs Dodd)

DG 25 Mar 1741 Mock-Masonry, 6d (Mrs Dodd)

LEP 16 Mar 1742 A new Screen for an old one, 6d; the Old Screen in 1721, 3d (A. Dodd)

LEP 4 Oct 1743 A. Dodd, Peacock, 2 doors beyond Essex Street



Robert Dodsley


LEP 29 Apr 1740 props for 2 vs of Beverley Minster,            Fourdrinier, on imp 5s, other 3s (agent for Hildyard?)

LEP 24 July 1740 The Naval Spectre (distributor for King)

LEP 26 Mar 1741 Beverley finished

LEP 5 Dec 1741 Apelles Britannicus no.1, fol pl, Gravelot, 1s (with T. Cooper)

DA 25 Jan, LEP 8 Feb 1743 Order of Battle in Flanders, 1s

LEP 12 May 1744 Props for Chatsworth; Haddon, Vivares, imp, 7s 6d to subs, then 10s (distrib for ?Vivares)

GA 21 Mar 1745 8 Views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 19 x 15, £1 5s (distributor)

GA 21 Mar 1745 Micrographia Restaurata (with J. Bowles)

GA 10 Apr 1745 Giant’s Causeway, Vivares, 27 x 16½, 7s (distributor)

GA 13 Dec 1745 Mr Pope’s Garden, John Serle, 1s 6d

LEP 12 Apr 1746 10 Antique Statues ready (distributor for Dalton)

LEP 30 Dec-1 Jan 1747 The English Moths and Butterflies, no. I (distributor for Wilkes)

LEP 27 Dec 1746

LEP 2 Jan 1748

LEP 9 Jan 1748



Nicolas Dorigny


Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs

PB 23-26 July 1720 Subs to collect Cartoons as D intends to leave for Italy; Two prints of Hermaphrodite, Albani, 1g



Claude Dubosc


CJ 27 Dec 1729 Props for 20 Prints in Coll of Derby, Winstanley (for Winstanley), 2gs to subs

CJ 25 Dec 1732 Several Prints after Watteau; four from Moliere after Coypel &c

CJ 25 Aug 1733 Proposals for Set of Heads of Kings of Eng & illustrious in Rapin

CJ 3 Dec 1733 Princess Royal; Amelia; Caroline, after Amigoni

LEP 12 Nov 1734 Religious Ceremonies of all nations, vols I & IV; 4 Vs of Gdns at Chiswick, Rysbrack/Du Bosc

CJ 1 Jan 1737 Antiquities Explained, gems, text by Geo Ogle, 10s 6d in sheets, 11s 6d sowed, 12s bound

CJ 26 Feb 1737 Milt Hist of D of Marlboro, 2 vols, 100 pls

LEP 7 Dec 1738 Picart’s Religious Ceremonies, 7 vols



Mr and Susan Drury


LEP 3 May 1744 Props for 2 Giant’s Causeway, Vivares, 27 x 16½, 7s

GA 10 Apr 1745 Giant’s Causeway,



Peter Dunoyer


22-25 July 1710 Battles of Alexander, 3′ x 2′ on 13 sheets

PB 30 Sep-3 Oct 1710 Victories of the King of Spain, eng, 1s

PB 27-30 June 1719 Fred Dke of Gloucester, Vertue (with Hennekin &c)



  1. Edwards


PB 11-13 June 1702 Last Words of James II & portr, White, 6d, 2s framed, 3s in gold letters



William Emmett


PB 25-27 June 1702 Props for 4 vs of Temple Church & Middle Temple Hall, 2s or 8s set



John Faber Snr


PB 31 Jan-3 Feb 1713 The Royal Martyr Charles I, mezzo, Faber, 1s 6d (with Crouch)



John Faber Jnr


PB 18-21 Mar 1720 Mrs Budgell, mezzo

LEP 30 Mar 1734 Proposals for Kit-Kat Club, 44 prs in folio, Kneller/Faber, 3 gs (? agent for Tonson)

LEP 31 May 1735 Kitt-Catt Club ready, Fr Royal, in fol

LEP 11 July 1738 prop Queen Caroline, 20 x 14″, 5s, limited to 300, those unsubscribed for 7s 6d, ready in 2 months; afterwards to be gilt

LEP 10 Mar 1739 Plate ‘to be gilt’ after subscription impressions run off

LEP 3 Apr 1740 with consent, Admiral Vernon, Bardwell/Faber

LEP 30 May 1741 Sir Chaloner Ogle, 1s 6d, Zincke

[1742 20/3 Queen Elizabeth after Holbein]



Henry Fletcher


CJ 17 Apr 1731 12 Months of Flowers, Casteels/Fletcher, 2gs (with Casteels and Furber)





LEP 25 Mar 1742 Perspective View of Whitehall Palace

LEP 3 Mar 1744 ditto finished, subscription closes



  1. Forrest


GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d

GA 3 June 1747 Geo II; Pr & Pcess of Orange; 2 of Duke, one in profile; Ravenet in miniature (with Brookes, Tinney &c)

GA 28 Nov 1747 Dr Thos Secker, mezzo, 1s 6d; D of Cumberland for a watch, 3d/6d; 12 Hudibras, des & engd Hogarth, 12s;     8 Birds, Barlow, Griffier & Place, 2s 6d (with Brookes & M. Overton)



George Foster


DG 25 Mar 1741 The Motive, 4d; the Evil Genius of England

DA 8 Apr 1743 A New Political Print explain’d, 6d; J-l’s Wif, 6d; A Duel and no Duel, 6d (with G. Bickham)

LEP 17 Sep 1743 The Monsieurs Defiance at Dunkirk, 6d/1s; Battle of Dettingen; Highland Deserters; their execution, all 6d/1s

GA 9 Apr 1747 D of Cumberland; a Highlander; Miss Macdonald; Lord Lovat &c for watch cases

GA 3 July 1747 Europe in Masquerade, 6d



Paul Fourdrinier


CJ 2 June 1730 Draught presented to Walpole, Fourdrinier, 1s, lge paper 1s 6d (with Hulton)

CJ 6 Mar 1731 Stage’s Glory; Answer to the Rabbit Woman (with Hulton)

CJ 3 Apr 1731 Several designs of Inigo Jones by Ware, 12s stitched (distributor)

CJ 2 Nov 1734 V of Philipbourg

LEP 7 Aug 1735 large view of Scarborough, Setterington, 5s, 2 imp sh, (agent for Setterington)

DA 28 Apr 1743 SE view of St Paul’s, 37 x 24″, by sub, 10s 6d



  1. Fox


LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)



  1. Francklin


LEP 13 May 1742 ready for subs, Petition of the Independant Inhabitants of Westminster, on imp



Mr Funican


LEP 18 June 1743



Robert Furber


CJ 17 Apr 1731 12 Months of Flowers, Casteels/Fletcher, 2gs (with Casteels and Fletcher)

LEP 29-31 Jan 1734 12 Fruit Pieces, black £1 5s, coloured £2 12s 6d; 12 prints of birds same price; also flowers same price (with Casteels, Collins)



Martha Gamble


CJ 1 July 1732 Harlot’s Progress on a Fan, 2s 6d (with G. King)

CJ 3 Mar 1733 Mrs Oldfield in miniature, 1s

CJ 9 June 1733 Excise Fan, 2s 6d

CJ 25 Aug 1733 Orange Fan, painted 1s 6d, mounted 2s 6d; also 3rd edn excise fan with additions 2s 6d

CJ 20 Oct 1733 Prince & Princesses pictures for watches

CJ 2 Feb 1734 Proposals for Wonders of the Deep, 8 pls 22 x 17, distributor for Arn. Vanhaecken & Giles King

CJ 4 May 1734 Diverting Rhapsodical Fan; Election Fan; Excise Fan; Church of England Fan; Orange Fan; Nuptial Fan; export terms, stock novels, stationery, miniature prints

LEP 24 Feb 1736



John Garret


LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Beckett, Mrs Oliver, Cooper, Browne and Tijou

PB 28-30 Jan 1718 Dr Snape, (with P. Overton)

WJ Apr 1721 The Bubblers Kingdom Picart/Baron; pair the Bubblers Mirror; pair The Bubblers Medley, 1s each, (with     T. Bowles, J. King, T. Glass, and P. Overton)

PB 23-25 Aug 1722 Monument to Marlborough, 1s (with Meroboeck)



Mr Gattliffe


LEP 20 Mar 1742 Princess Elizabeth, Holbein/Faber, 20 x 14″, 5s to subs, then 7s 6d (orig at Griffin Tavern, Holborn)



James Gibbs


DP 10 June 1727 Designs of Buildings, Gibbs, to subs

LEP 6 Feb 1748 The Radcliffe Library at Oxford, 23 pls on royal, ready for subs



Thomas Glass


WJ Apr 1721 The Bubblers Kingdom Picart/Baron; pair the Bubblers Mirror; pair The Bubblers Medley, 1s each, (with T. Bowles, J. King, P. Overton and J. Garret)

DP 4 Mar 1724 Great Eclipse, 4d (with H. Overton)

DP 15 May 1732 6 Harlot’s Progress copies, 6s (with King, H. and P. Overton)

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Harlot’s Progress in green, Hogarth (distributor for Kirkall)

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold. by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 25 Jan 1735

GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)



Josph Goupy


EP, DP 1-4 Feb 1724 Prints after Salvator Rosa

GA 9 Apr 1746 Pyramus & Thisbe, Poussin; V of Lake, F. Bolognese; 4 vs of Malta, Props last Summer, ready for subs in 2 months, 1g



Josiah Graham


LEP 12 Mar 1741 A Consequence of the Motion, 6d



Mr Grandey


DP 17 May 1727 Engine to raise Water by Fire, model by R. Jones, 2 sheets (with Regnier)



Hubert Gravelot


LEP 2 Feb 1744 Figures in Modern Habits, no. 1, 2s 6d



Samuel Gribelin


EP 5-7 Dec 1717 King George I, Sam Grib ad viv

LEP 19 Nov 1734 Stock of Simon Gribelin

LEP 1736 15/4



Simon Gribelin


LG 15-19 May 1707, DC 22 May 1707 Seven Cartoons of Raphael D’Urbin, Raphael/Gribelin

LG 25-29 Nov 1708 Twelve half-lengths after Vandyke, Lombart

PB 27-29 May 1712 Six of Her Majesty’s Pictures, Gribelin, 16s

DC 3 Apr 1714 Judgement of Hercules, P. de Mathais/Gribelin, eng



Peter Griffin


LEP Dec 1747 Garick in RIII, Hogarth, 3d/6d cold (with Tinney & Angier)

GA 22 Dec 1747 Packs of cards for children 2s 6d; for adults            5s

GA 25 Dec 1747 Christmas Gambols, representing the Humours of Christmas and Boxing Day, 2 pls, each 6d/1s; also the Road of Love; the Sailor’s Fleet Wedding

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs

GA 19 Apr 1748 Cumberland on horseback, mezzo, 8 x 6, 6d; Dr bk            after Bloemaert, 13 quarto pls, 1s; Belisarius, Vandyke, Goupy, Scotin, (Burlington), not the ‘base and vile copy’; Roque’s survey

1748 26/5 ?Royal Family

GA 9 June 1748 few remaining copied of Nouveau Theatre, 4 vols,   300+ pls, 5 gs, £6 bound, formerly 10gs in shs, prs 1s each

GA 28 June 1748 Milk-Maid’s Disaster, 6d/1s

GA 13 July 1748 The Husband’s Resentment, 6d (distributor for Webb)

LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)

GA 5 Sep 1748 Pantin A-la-mode, ½ sh roy, 6d (with Wakelin)

GA 20 Oct 1748 Tickets for Lord Mayor’s Show, cards for children

GA 24 Dec 1748 V of Wrexham Church, Boydell, 1s; 4 vs nr Ipswich in Suffolk, 2s; 4 more vs after nature, 2s (for Boydell)



Mrs Guerrier


CJ 8 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Bickham jun, 1s (with Brooker and Upton)



Lawton Gulliver


LEP 27 Mar 1736 Tartuff’s Banquet (with Bakewell)



William Halfpenny


GA 2 June 1749 Plan and Elevation of Fireworks, 2s, 23 x 17



Samuel Harding


LEP 17 Feb 1736 Exclusive distributor non-sub imps of Eliz Blackwell’s Herbal, 500 pls, 4 per no., 1s pl, 2s cold.

LEP 24 Feb 1736 &c weekly numbers of Blackwell’s Herbal

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

LEP 28 Aug 1742 Plan of Prague, 1s pl, 2s cold (with Vaillant)

DA 16 Mar 1743 21 Installation of Knights of Bath 1725, 1g sheets 26s bound, on imp, expl in Eng & Fr

DA 25 Apr 1743 Saul and the Witch of Endor, Rosa/[Laurence], 2s (distributor for Hay)

LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs (distributor for Wale)

GA 13 Apr 1747 albums & single prints inc 1500 by Hollar in 12 vols, Rembrandt &c, heads by Edelinck, Nanteuil, Masson,         Drevet

LEP 8 June 1747 The Compleat Florist, 100 pls, 5s in boards/15s cold & bound (with J. King and)

GA 11 Nov 1749 15 pls of Wren’s designs, Hulburg



Mrs Harris


LEP 12 June 1736 The Vaux-Hall Fan



John Harris


PB 13-16 Jan 1722 Prospect of Fort St George, 2 Imp sheets



Mr Haskol in Winton


GA 11 Feb 1749 Rev Alured Clarke, (Winton hospital), mezzo, 1s



Andrew Hay


DA 25 Apr 1743 Saul and the Witch of Endor, Rosa/[Laurence], 2s



Michael Hennekin


DC 5 Oct 1714 George I, Vandergucht after Picart, 4d

LG 10-13 Dec 1715 10 whole lengths after Van Dyck, Van Gunst at Amsterdam, eng (with H. and P. Overton)

PB 29-31 Jan 1719 V of New Church in the Strand, Gibbs, 2s.

PB 27-30 June 1719 Fred Dke of Gloucester, Vertue (with   Dunoyer &c)

PB 24-27 Oct, EP 27-29 Oct 1719 Cupola of St Paul’s, Thornhill/Simoneau, G. Vandergucht, Beauvais, Baron, Dubosc, eng, 1g sub (distributor for Thornhill)

PB 27-30 Jan 1722 24 prints of Stair Case at Versailles, Le Brun; Battles by Vandermeulen, by sub (with Bowles, King &c)

WJ 12 Sep 1724 Twelve prints in chiaro Oscuro, Italian Masters/Kirkall, 2gs to subs or 2½gs (distributor for Kirkall)

DP 7 Mar 1727 Grey Nevil, Dahl/White, (Mrs Hennekin with P. Overton and Merobeck)



Anthony Highmore


21 Mar 1745 8 Views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 19 x 15, £1 5s



Joseph Highmore


LEP 26 Feb 1744 props for 12 Pamela, Fr engrs, 15 x 12″, expl in Eng & Fr, printed descr for subrs, 2gs, then 2½

GA 12 Apr 1745 12 Pamela, 2gs to subs/2½



Mr Hildyard


LEP 29 Apr 1740 props for 2 vs of Beverley Minster, Fourdrinier, on imp 5s, other 3s,



  1. Hinton


GA 20 May, LEP 14 June 1747, 12 Heads of Promoters of Reformation in Holland, Vertue, Demy, 6d each



  1. Hitch


GA 22 Feb, LEP 1 Mar 1746 remaining sets of Baron/Rigaud Stowe, 2gs (with J. Bowles, T. Bowles, and Toms)

GA 1 Aug 1746 John, Earl Gower, Vanloo/Faber, 2s



William Hogarth


DP 9 Mar 1732 Harlot ‘now printing off’

CJ 18 Mar 1732 Harlot’s Progress, ready for subs Apr 10

CJ 29 Dec 1733 Humours of a Fair

LEP 31 May 1735 A Fair; the Rake’s Progress to be delivered on 25th, subs 1½gs, after 2gs, delayed for act

DG 5 Mar, CJ 12 Mar 1737 Distressed Poet, 3s; Four etchings of Heads in Groups 6d each; bound with wks or singly

CJ 2 Apr 1737 rpt with list of earlier wks

LEP 25 Apr 1738 ready for deliv to subs Four Times of Day; Company of Strolling Actresses; also Thornhill’s St Paul’s

CJ 6 May 1738 ditto, now £1 5s a set

DG 28 Nov 1741 The Enraged Musician, 3s; & all exc Harlot

DA, LEP 2 Apr 1743 props for Marriage-a-la-Mode, 1g

GA 30 Apr 1745 Marriage A-la-Mode, ready May, 1½gs

GA 25 Aug 1746 Simon Lord Lovat, Hogarth, 1s; also Garrick in Richard III, 7s 6d

GA 26, LEP 29 June 1747 Country Inn Yard at Election Time, 1s

GA, LEP 17 Oct 1747 Industry & Idleness, 12s, better paper 14s

LEP 7 Jan 1748 Industry & Idleness, 12s/14s (& all wks)

GA 8 Mar 1749 Calais Gate, 5s



Robert Hulton


EP 5-7 Jan 1710 Queens Palaces, Noblemen’s seats, Cathedrals

EP 2-4 May 1710 Galleries of Luxembourg

EP 12-15 Aug 1710 Battles of Alexander, 2′ x 3′

EP 26-28 Dec 1710 V of Portsmouth and Gosport, 30 x 21″ (with Taylor)

EP 24-26 June 1712 Stonesfield Pavement, reduced from 1g to 2s 6d

PB 15-17 Jan 1713 Town & Harbour of Harwich, Elephant, (with Taylor)

EP 21-24 Apr 1722 Proposals for Raphael’s Bible in Italian   manner

CJ 2 June 1730 Draught presented to Walpole, Fourdrinier, 1s, lge paper 1s 6d (with Fourdrinier)

CJ 13 Feb 1731 The Stage’s Glory, 1s, lge paper 1s 6d

LEP 18 Nov 1736 Funeral of Mother Gin; the Female Anatomists, 6d each (with Clark, Jackson, Dodd, Regnier &c)

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

GA 17 Jan 1746 D of Cumberland, 6d a to A (distributor with King, Tinney and Cooper)

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs



James Hutton


LEP 21 Jan 1738 Mr Whitefield, Beard/Faber; Mosely’s unauthorised



Richard Hylton


CJ 22 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Hylton

CJ 11 Aug 1733 New Nassau Fan

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold.      by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 25 Jan 1735 ditto, on superfine Dutch paper, ‘collected & colour’d’ by Hylton, £1 5s and £2 10s after sub closes

LEP 17 Apr 1736 Saxe-Gotha Fan, a few painted on leather



Robert Inglish


LG 14-18 Mar 1695 Prospect of Royal Hospital, Inglish, 4 sh imp



Mr Innys


DC Feb 1714 Props for Albin’s Nat Hist of Eng Insects, 100 pls, cold by Albin (with Overton, Clements and Jeffery)



  1. Jarvis


GA 24 May 1746 Taste in High Life, Hogarth





DC Feb 1714 Props for Albin’s Nat Hist of Eng Insects, 100 pls, cold by Albin (with Overton, Clements and Innys)



Andrew Johnston


PB 30 Dec-2 Jan 1711 Dr James Sharp, eng, Lely/Vertue; Monument to Sharp, eng, Vandergucht (with P. Overton)

DC June 1714 Props for Vitruvius Britannicus, 200 pls, 2 vols, 3gs on Roy, 4gs on imp (with Jo Smith & bksellers)

PB 25-28 Feb 1719 Prospect of Mount Athos, 3s 6d

DJ 21 Mar, EP 26-29 Mar 1723 History of St Peter’s             Westminster, 100 pls (with T. Bowles, Jas Cole, Jo Smith, T. Taylor &c)

CJ 9 Mar, DP 14 Mar, PB 4-6 Apr 1728 10 prints Reign of Charles I, to subs 1½gs (with J. and T. Bowles)



  1. Jolliffe


GA 18 Mar 1748 Adm Peter Warren, 1s 6d



William Kent


LEP 28 Mar 1734 Marriage of Princess Royal Kent/Rigaud

LEP 17 Oct 1734 Ditto finished



Giles King


CJ 1 July 1732 Harlot’s Progress on a Fan, 2s 6d (with Gamble)

CJ 2 Feb 1734 Proposals for Wonders of the Deep, 8 pls 22 x 17, with Van Haecken



John King


PB 22-24 Jan 1702 Prospect of Hampton Court with Gardens, 1s/2s

PB 16-18 Jan 1711 4 Indian Kings, Simon (with P. Overton, Smith,Verelst &c)

WJ Apr 1721 The Bubblers Kingdom Picart/Baron; pair the Bubblers Mirror; pair The Bubblers Medley, 1s each, (with T. Bowles, J. King, T. Glass, and J. Garret)

PB 27-30 Jan 1722 24 prints of Stair Case at Versailles, Le     Brun; Battles by Vandermeulen, by sub (with Bowles, Hennekin &c)

EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with T. and J. Bowles, P. Overton, Taylor,             and Vandergucht

DP 22 Jan 1728 Table of Succession of Kings of Eng & Sc (with T. Bowles, J. Clark and J. Stagg)

CJ 3 May 1729 Prop for Twelve Celebrated English Poets, Vertue (distributor for Vertue)

DP 9 Feb, CJ 26 Feb 1732 2nd edn of 12 Months of Flowers, 30s, coloured and framed 3gs, (with P. Overton)

DP 15 May 1732 6 Harlot’s Progress copies, 6s (with Glass, H. and P. Overton)

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Harlot’s Progress in green, Hogarth (distributor for Kirkall)

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold.      by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 7 Aug 1735 large view of Scarborough, Setterington, 5s, 2 imp sh, (agent for Setterington)

LEP 1 Sep 1739 Fee Fau Fum, 1s (with Mosley)

LEP 24 July 1740 The Naval Spectre, 1s

LEP 15 June 1742 ready for subs 12 designs of English Butterflies, inc 300 flies & moths, 1g (distributor for Wilkes)

GA 22 Feb 1745 le Mareschal de Belle Isle, 1s (with J. Sympson)

GA 6 Oct 1745 Thos, Archbishop of York, Hogarth (with M. Overton and the author)

GA 8 Nov 1745, The Pope’s Butcher, 6d/1s cold (with M. Cooper and M. Overton)

GA 17 Jan 1746 D of Cumberland, 6d a to A (distributor with Cooper, Tinney and Hulton)

LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs (distributor for Wale)

GA 1 May 1746 V of Culloden, 6d/1s (with M. Overton & Mosley)

GA 2 July 1746 Plan of Culloden, 1s/2s (with M. Overton, Mosley & H. Overton)

GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)

LEP 30 Dec-1 Jan 1747 The English Moths and Butterflies, no. I (distributor for Wilkes)

GA 11 Feb 1747 12 English Birds, Collins, 14 x 18″, (with S.            Simpson, J. Bowles, J. King)

LEP 8-11 June 1747 The Compleat Florist, 100 pls, 5s in 40boards/15s cold & bound (with J. King & J. Robinson)

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs

LEP 9 Apr 1748 Exact view of the Ruins, 6d

GA 22 Mar 1749 props for 2 Landskips, F. Mielly & Lambert of North Byerly; ready 25 May, 14 x 21, 6s (distributor for Vivares)



Elisha Kirkall


WJ 12 Sep 1724 Twelve prints in chiaro Oscuro, Italian Masters/Kirkall, 2gs to subs or 2½gs

PB 26 Feb 1726 Props (dated 10 Nov 1725) for 16 prints of Shipping in Chiaro Oscuro, Wm Vanderveld, Kirkall, 18 x 13, 2gs (many distributors)

CJ 10 June 1727 16 Prints of Shipping, Vandevelde/Kirkall

CJ 11 Oct 1729 Great Aloe & Torch Thistle, 1s 6d, or on lge imp 2s 6d

WJ 1 May 1731 Seven Cartoons of Raphael, Kirkall, 1g

WJ 5 Feb 1732 The Carnal Jesuit, 1s, royal half sheet

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Harlot’s Progress in green, Hogarth

LEP 9 Mar 1734 7 Raphael cartoons in green, red or yellow on imp; 16 of shipping, Vandevelde; 4 Hunting in the German manner; 4 Lscapes after Goupy; 2 lscapes after Rousseau; Harlot’s Progress; Holy Fam Raphael; Venus asleep Coypel;   Diana Asleep & Venus & Cupids Watteau; Midnight Magistrate; Midnight Conversation; 16 lesser pieces of shipping &c; other lesser pieces

LEP 25 Mar 1736 12 prs of Whale Fishery &c, chiaro, small quarto, 6s

LEP 13 Mar 1740 Roman Pavements at Weldon, double ele, 6s, illuminated 15s (with Kirkall)



Charles Knapton


LEP 24 Mar 1741 4 lscs, G. Poussin, 15½ x 12″

LEP 11 Aug 1741 no. II, 4 lscs, G. Poussin

LEP 21 Jan 1742 no. III, 4 lscs, G. Poussin & Claude, 5s; 12 Caricatures 5s; 70 prints from drawings 3gs

LEP 3 June 1742 no. IV, 4 lscs, G. Poussin & Claude, 5s

LEP 6 Nov 1742 no. V, 4 lscs, 5s



John and Paul Knapton


LEP 21 May 1734 Rich II; Hen IV; Hen V; Hen VI, Vertue for Rapin’s Hist

LEP 23 July 1734 Ed III; Black Prince; John of Gaunt; D of Bedford; Rapin de Thoyras, Vertue; Tindal by Picart

LEP 12 Nov 1734 Hen II; R I; Ed I; Ed IV; Ed V; R III, Vertue, 6d

LEP 17 May 1735 HVII, HVIII, EdVI, Eliz

LEP 18 Oct 1735 JI, MQ of S, Darnley, Eliz of Bohem, & monuments

LEP 10 Apr 1736 Mary, Phil, H P of W, Chas I, 6d

LEP 20 May 1736 Cromwell, CII, JII, Hen D of Gloucester

CJ 12 Feb 1737 Props for Heads of Illustrious Persons, each ½ sheet lge Imp, 1s each

CJ 16 Apr 1737 no. II

CJ 28 May 1737 no. III

LEP 18 Jan 1739 Wm Russell; N Bacon; Jn Pym; E. Shaftesbury

LEP 29 Apr 1740 props for 2 vs of Beverley Minster, Fourdrinier, on imp 5s, other 3s (agent for Hildyard?)

LEP 24 Mar 1741 4 lscs, G. Poussin, 15½ x 12″ (distrib for C. Knapton)

LEP 11 Aug 1741 no. II, 4 lscs, G. Poussin

LEP 21 Jan 1742 no. III, 4 lscs, G. Poussin & Claude, 5s; 12 Caricatures 5s; 70 prints from drawings 3gs

LEP 3 June 1742 no. IV, 4 lscs, G. Poussin & Claude, 5s

LEP 6 Nov 1742 no. V, 4 lscs, 5s

DA 16 Mar, LEP 17 Mar 1743 no. VI 4 lsc

LEP 16 July 1743 no VII, 5s

LEP 8 Mar 1744 no. VIII lscs, Rosa, Borgognone, Lauri, Rembrandt, 5s; also lsc by Teniers, 2s

LEP 14 July 1744 no. IX, 4 lsc, 5s

LEP 13 Sep 1744 George Anson, Pond, 2s

GA 30 1745 no. II Roman Antiquities, Panini, lge Imp, 3s; with list (distributors for Pond)

GA 8 Apr 1746 no. XI lscs; carics; drawings; Anson; Greenwich; Pantheon; Mausoleum soon

LEP 1 Mar 1747 William Shakespeare, Houbraken, 1s 3d on Imp, 6d on Demy; Pope to follow (Heads now one at a time)

GA 25 Feb 1747 Houbracken heads for Rapin/Tindal, lge 1s 3d/6d

GA 7 Mar 1747 no. IV Roman Antiquities, Pannini, 3s

GA 27 May, LEP 26 May 1747 Duke of Cumberland, Ravenet, 3s

LEP 29 June-1 July Birch’s Heads, 10s 6d on Demy, &c

GA 24, LEP 26 Oct 1747 12 Anatomical Figures after Albinus, Ravenet, Boitard, Scotin, Grignion, no.I, lge Imp, 2s 6d each no, being 1/3 original cost

LEP 6 Feb 1748 Albinus no. IV, Ravenet, Boitard, Scotin, 2s 6d

GA 18 Feb, LEP 7 Apr 1748 Sir Edw Hawke, G. Knapton/mezzo, 1s 6d

GA 2 Mar 1748 Set of near 400 medals on 32 pls, 16s

GA 19 Apr 1749 Sam Garth, Kneller/Houbracken, on imp, 1s 3d, on demy 6d; 104 heads of illustrious persons same price



Leonard Knyff


DC 1 Feb 1707 Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, Knyff/Kip



John Laguerre


DP 16 Jan 1727 Mary Tofts Laguerre, mezzo (sold P. Overton)



George Lambert


LEP 8 Apr 1736 deliv to subs of 6 vs of E India Co’s             settlements, Lambert & Scott/Vandergucht, 15½ x 22½, 1½gs



Thomas Lawranson


LEP 23 Jan 1741 2 Vs of Royal Hospital at Greenwich; 1, from Thames, 4′ 6″, 10s 6d; 2, V of Colonades with Caroline yacht 2′ 4″, 3s



Philip Lea


LG 14-17 Nov 1692 The Britannia, Wm Vandevelde, 12s (with Batchelor)



Jean Christophe Le Blon


DC 17 July 1722 Our Saviour in Sepulchre, Titian; Rebecca

DP 22 May 1725 Meeting of ‘undertakers’

DP 31 May 1725 Coloritto with 1 mezzo and 4 figs 1g or 2½gs with figs



Bernard Lens


LG 9-12 Nov 1691 Triumphal arch in Cheapside, mezzo, with Bourns and Bowles

LG 2-5 Dec 1700, New Drawing Book, with Sturt, 2s 6d



Andrew Benjamin Lens


14 Jan 1745 Principal Motions of the Grenadiers Exercise



John Lenthall


EP 12-14 Jan 1716 G. B.’s memorial of the present Frost, 6d.



Henry Lewis


GA 31 July 1749 Folly playing with his Pantin, 6d



Charles Lillie


Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs (distributor for Dorigny)

Sp 12 Apr 1712 Stonesfield Mosaic, eng, Elephant, 1s, coloured, Atlas, 1g



Samuel Line


GA 13 Dec 1746 The Lady’s Disaster, ½ sh roy, 6d

LEP Jan 1747 The Lady’s Disaster (with J. Wakelin)

GA 24 Oct 1747 A Fleet Wedding, 6d, ½ sh royal (with Wakelin)



Bernard Lintott


DC 2 Jan 1714 Cuts for 24o Common Prayer, Le Fage/Kirkall



Capt James Mace


GA 13 Feb 1749 Props for 4 vs of Gibraltar, grand eagle, 1g



Richard Manby


LEP 11 Aug 1741 Daniel Waterland, Rich Philips/Faber



Peter Martel


DA 4 May 1743 Plan of Geneva, 25 x 19″, on Genoa, 2s 6d



Charles Mather


LG 15-19 May 1707, DC 22 May 1707 Seven Cartoons of Raphael D’Urbin, Raphael/Gribelin (distributor for Gribelin)

LG 25-29 Nov 1708 Twelve half-lengths after Vandyke, Lombart (distributor for Gribelin)

Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs (distributor for Dorigny)



  1. Mears


DJ 11 Apr 1723 31 Kings and Queens of England, Vertue, 2s



Mr Merobeck


DP 7 Mar 1727 Grey Nevil, Dahl/White, (with Mrs Hennekin and P. Overton)



William Meyer


LEP 14 Sep 1742 V of Prague, 6d (with H. Overton)

LEP 3 Feb 1743 Surrender of Prague (with Overton & Bickham)

DA 11 May, LEP 26 May 1743 Highland Soldier, 6d/1s, with descr in Eng/Fr/Dutch; 11 Hungarians, 5s 6d/10s 6d cold uniforms



Daniel Midwinter


DC 12 Jan 1706 Military architecture in 1 lge sh



John Millan


GA 12 Apr 1745 7 views of Engagement near Toulon, Mess. Parr, 10s 6d

GA 8 Feb 1746 Plan of Falkirk battle with v of Stirling, 1s/2s (with M. Cooper)



Andrew Millar


LEP 18 Feb 1744 5 Heads of writers, 1s 6d each; sold thr works



Thomas or S. Millward


LEP 22 July 1738 Slavery (pr shop nr Globe=?Millward)

LEP 6 Mar 1742 Q of Hungary, Vanloo, mezzo, 2s; also Plott’s map of Staffordshire (S. Millward)

GA 15 May 1746 6 vs, Tower, Somerset Ho, St James’s Palace, Lambeth, Hampton Court, Windsor, on royal, 14 x 19, 6d/1s 6d; Wells Cath 1s 6d; Carlisle Cath, 1s; Shoreditch Church 2s 6d; gt variety of vs in scotland



  1. Moore


GA 26 Feb, LEP 1 Mar 1746 The Female Volunteer, 6d

GA 4 Mar 1746 Noble Game of Bob Cherry, 6d/1s

LEP 15, GA 17 Apr 1746 The Ghost of D-H-S to W-M P- Esq, 6d



Robert Morden


LG 6-9 June 1792 New Draught of Namur (with Browne)

LG 12-15 Sep 1692 New & Eact Draught of Dunkirk, 1s

LG 18-22 July 1695 Draught of Namur

LG 2-6 May 1700 Iconologia of Caesar Ripa, took subs (for Oxford University)



John Morphew


LG 26-29 Aug 1708 Plan of Audenarde, 1s 6d (with Roper)

Ex 12-16 Apr 1714 Plan of Dunkirk, lge imp, 1s 6d with Bowles

DC 10 July 1714 Whitechapel Altar-Piece, 1s

EP 11-13 Aug 1715 Jn Duke of Ormonde, Gribelin, 1s 6d (with Bowles)



David Mortier


DC 25 Jan 1707 Prospect of Rochester, Collins (London distributor)



Charles Mosley


LEP 2 Sep 1738 European Race, 1s; Honi-Soit (distributor for P. Overton)

CJ 30 Sep 1738 The European Race, 1s

CJ 4 Nov 1738 ditto on fan (with Pinchbeck)

LEP 2 Dec 1738 Second Heat (with P. Overton)

LEP 26 Dec, CJ 30 Dec 1738 Celebrated Chimpanzee (ded Sloane), Gravelot/Scotin, 1s

LEP 7 Apr 1739 Third Heat (with P. Overton)

LEP 1 Sep 1739 Fee Fau Fum, 1s (with King)

LEP 28 Feb 1740 European Race for a Distance 1740, 1s (with P. Overton)

LEP 3 July 1740 The Honest Admiral, 1s (with P. Overton)

LEP 24 July 1740 The Naval Spectre (distributor for King)

LEP 13 Sep 1740 Indefatigable State Pack-Horse (with P. Overton)

GA 1 May 1746 V of Culloden, 6d/1s (with M. Overton & King)

GA 2 July 1746 Plan of Culloden, 1s/2s (with M. Overton, King & H. Overton)

GA 30 Jan, LEP 31 Jan 1747 The Modern Duel, 6d/1s cold (with M. Cooper and M. Overton)

GA 31 Oct 1748 Firework designed by Thornhill 1713, reprinted, 1s

LEP 8 Dec 1748 20 antique statues, complete (agent for Dalton)



Johann Sebastian Müller


GA 21 Apr 1748 The Tyger, 16 x 10, Ridinger/Müller, incl 3 species of Tygers; with props for set of animals, 1s each to subs, then 1s 6d

GA 12 May 1748 The Wolf, Ridinger/Müller, 16 x 13



Mr Neau


DA 14 June 1743 Entry of D of Lorraine into Florence 1739, M. Tuscher, 26 x 19″, 10s 6d (?distributor for Tuscher)



Francis Nixon


GA 2 Mar 1749 20 miniature portrs of Hanoverian Roy Fam, ovals, 2gs by sub (with booksellers)



John Nourse


DA 24 Mar, LEP 26 Mar 1743 26 from Scarron, J. B. Oudry, imported from Paris, 15s

LEP 12 May 1744 Props for Chatsworth; Haddon, Vivares, imp, 7s 6d to subs, then 10s (distrib for ?Vivares)

GA 8 Apr 1748 remaining copies of Eliz Blackwell’s Herbal, 2 vols fol, orig 12gs col, £6 5s pl, now 7gs col, £2 10s in shs



John Nutt


PB 14-16 Dec 1699 England’s Wonder

LG 17-20 Mar, PB 17-19 June 1701 Crowned Heads of Europe, eng, 1s 6d (with Roper)

PB 12-14 May 1702 Queen Anne, Kneller/M. Vandergucht, 6d, framed 1s 6d, (with R. Bassett)

PB 29-31 Oct 1702 Charles II, Vanderbank, imp, 1s; arms of London, roy, 2s; Browns Drawing Book Enlarged, 40 pls, Ar. de Jode &c, 2s 6d; &c (for Oldisworth)



Samuel Okey


LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)



  1. Oldcastle


GA 25 May 1747 Aeneas and his two sons, 1s



Austin Oldisworth


PB 29-31 Oct 1702 Charles II, Vanderbank, imp, 1s; arms of London, roy, 2s; Browns Drawing Book Enlarged, 40 pls, Ar. de Jode &c, 2s 6d; &c (sold by Nutt)



Mrs Oliver


LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Beckett, Garret, Cooper, Browne and Tijou



William Oram


GA 19 Mar 1745 8 Picturesque Views, Oram, 18 x 12, 1g

GA 12 Aug 1745 above ready for subs, also coloured from his paintings



  1. Osborn


LEP 28 Mar 1741 Fore-Warn’d, Fore-arm’d, 1s



  1. Overlove


GA 20 Apr 1748 Peter the Great and William III, Müller, 1s/2s (with Robinson, Overlove, Bakewell and Tinney)



Henry Overton


EP 10-12 Jan 1710 Campaign of Marlborough & Eugene for 1709, 3 sheet imp, 4′ x 2′ 8″ (with P. Overton)

PB 2-4 Feb 1710 Seven Cartoons by Raphael Urbin, large, 17s. 6d.

PB 28-30 Mar 1710 NE Prospect of St Peter’s in Rome, imp, 1s.

PB 22-25 July 1710 Battles of Alexander, 3′ x 2′ on 13 sheets

PB 2-5 Dec 1710 William, Bishop of Chester, Murray/Vertue

PB 11-13 Mar 1712 Darius’s Tent, Le Brun, 2s (with E. Cooper)

Sp 22 Feb 1712 Cries of London, Laroon, eng, 10s

Sp 7 May 1712 Prince Eugene, mezzo, Kneller, 2s (with E. Cooper)

PB 21-23 Apr 1713 Robert Harley, mezzo, Kneller/Simon (with Simon)

PB 16-19 May 1713 Sir Jn Blencowe, Russell/Vertue, eng, 1s. (with Vertue)

Ex  22-26 Mar 1714 Sir Con Phipps, Ld Chanc, (with P. Overton)

LG 10-13 Dec 1715 10 whole lengths after Van Dyck, Van Gunst at Amsterdam, eng (with Hennekin and P. Overton)

EP 6-9 Apr 1717 6 Battles of Marlborough, L.Laguerre/Fr masters, 18 x 12″, + Fr & Eng acct, 10s advance secures first imp (with Bowles)

PB 30 Apr-2 May 1719 Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, set of 30 on ½ sheet foolscap 5s; or on sheet of lge Imp

PB 8-11 Sep 1722 Funeral Procession of Marlborough, 1s (with J. Cole)

DP 4 Mar 1724 Great Eclipse, 4d (with T. Glass)

DP 24 Feb 1725 Temple of Solomon, 3′ 3″ x 2′ (large 2 sheet) H. Overton and J. Hoole

DP 10 May 1725 Hampton Court Beauties, 12 lge prs + portr of Kneller, mezzo (distributor for Jn Cooper)

CJ 25 Apr 1730 Art of Drawing, G. Bickham, 5s, H.O. and J. Hoole

DP 15 May 1732 6 Harlot’s Progress copies, 6s (with Glass, King and P. Overton)

CJ 1 Feb 1735 12 King Chas I, copies of size suitable to bind with Rapin, 2s set

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d

LEP 21 Feb 1738 8 of Hob in the Opera, Laguerre/Du Bosc, 8s set

LEP 5 Apr 1739 Racer of D of Bolton’s, 2 sh, 3′ x 2′, 1s, Tillemans; 3 of Newmarket Races, 3′ 8″ x 16″, Tillemans, 1s each

LEP 19 Apr 1739 Starling, 2 sh, 3′ x 2′; set of 24 running horses, Wootton & Tillemans

LEP 27 Dec 1739 Nich Haddock, Gibson/Faber, 1s

LEP 27 Mar 1740 Cardinal Fleury, H. Rigaud, 1s

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

LEP 23 Aug 1740 Prospect of Chagre, 6d; also Carthagena, Porto Bello

LEP 14 Sep 1742 V of Prague, 6d (with Meyer)

LEP 26 Sep 1742 Frederick II, Burford, 1s; also Charles of Lorraine by Huchenberg, 1s (with T. Burford)

LEP 3 Feb 1743 Surrender of Prague (with Bickham & Meyer)

DA 24 Mar, LEP 16 Apr 1743 Hollar’s prints; with priced cat of them

LEP 26 May, GA 9 June 1743 12 Fruits & Flowers from Nature, B. & T. Langley, 16 x 13, uses, 15s/36s

LEP 2 June, DA 9 June 1743 Grand Duke of Tuscany, Maubert, Burford, 1s

LEP 5 Jan 1744 26 Female costumes, Hollar, 4s; Universal Penman, 6s.

LEP 8 Sep 1744 Charles of Lorraine & Grand Duke of Tuscany, Burford, pic from Vienna, 1s, fr with gold bead 3s

GA 2 July 1746 Plan of Culloden, 1s/2s (with M. Overton, Mosley & H. Overton)

GA 17 Mar 1749 Fireworks, 6d



John Overton


LG 27-31 Jan 1698 Grand Czar of Muscovy, in Holland, imported & sold JO

LG 27-31 Mar 1701 King of Sweden, eng from orig pic, with            Cooper, 1s.



Philip Overton


EP 10-12 Jan 1710 Campaign of Marlborough & Eugene for 1709, 3 sheet imp, 4′ x 2′ 8″ (with P. Overton)

EP 2-4 Feb, PB 11-14 Feb 1710 Henry Sacheverell, Gibson/Johnston 1s 6d, or 3s. 6d. framed

PB 18-20 May 1710 Small ditto with coat of arms, 3d

PB 14-17 Oct 1710 Sir Thomas Parker, mezzo, Simon

PB 30 Dec-2 Jan 1711 Dr James Sharp, eng, Lely/Vertue; Monument to Sharp, eng, Vandergucht (with Johnston)

PB 16-18 Jan 1711 4 Indian Kings, Simon (with King, Smith, Verelst &c)

PB June 1713 Monument to Holt at Redgrave, 1s 6d

DC Feb 1714 Props for Albin’s Nat Hist of Eng Insects, 100 pls, cold by Albin (with Clements, Jeffery and Innys)

Ex 22-26 Mar 1714 Sir Con Phipps, Ld Chanc, (with H. Overton)

PB 24-26 May 1715 Mausoleum to Queen Anne, 2 sh imp, 4′ x 2½’ (with Jo. Smith); pub 27 June

LG 10-13 Dec 1715 10 whole lengths after Van Dyck, Van Gunst at Amsterdam, eng (with Hennekin and H. Overton)

PB 28-30 Jan 1718 Dr Snape, (with Garret); EP 13-15 Feb 1718 (with T. Bowles &C)

WJ 27 Apr 1720 Queen Anne with emblems &c, eng, 6d (as ‘M. Overton’ with Jn Clark)

WJ Apr 1721 The Bubblers Kingdom Picart/Baron; pair the Bubblers Mirror; pair The Bubblers Medley, 1s each, (with T. Bowles, J. King, T. Glass, and J. Garret)

PB 12-14 June 1722 list of stock

EP 2-4 Aug, DC 14 Aug, 1722 Edward Colston, Richardson/Vertue

WJ 12 Sep 1724 Twelve prints in chiaro Oscuro, Italian Masters/Kirkall, 2gs to subs or 2½gs (distributor for Kirkall)

DP 10 May 1725 Hampton Court Beauties, 12 lge prs + portr of Kneller, mezzo (distributor for Jn Cooper)

EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with T. and J. Bowles, King, Taylor, and Vandergucht

PB 5 Feb 1726 12 of Hudibras, Hogarth, Fr Imp, 15s to subs (with Overton)

DP 16 Jan 1727 Mary Tofts Laguerre, mezzo (?distrib for J. Laguerre)

DP 7 Mar 1727 Grey Nevil, Dahl/White, (with Mrs Hennekin and Merobeck)

CJ 3 May 1729 Prop for Twelve Celebrated English Poets, Vertue (distributor for Vertue)

CJ 25 Oct 1729 Prints &c for Japanning

DP 9 Feb, CJ 26 Feb 1732 2nd edn of 12 Months of Flowers, plain 14s; col 30s; col and framed 3gs, (with J. King)

DP 15 May 1732 6 Harlot’s Progress copies, 6s (with Glass, King and H. Overton)

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Harlot’s Progress in green, Hogarth (distributor for Kirkall)

CJ 10 Feb 1733 Dr Geo Cheyney, Van Dienst/Faber, 1s 6d; also Hans Sloane, Murray (with Bertrand)

LEP 9 Nov 1734 Oxf Almanack 1735 = University Coll, Vertue, 1s

LEP 25 Jan 1735 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold.    by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 13 Nov 1735 Oxf Almanack 1736 = Oriel, Vertue, 1s

LEP 16 Nov 1736 Oxf Almanack 1737 = Merton, 1s, on Atlas Imp paper 1s 6d

LEP 2 Sep 1738 European Race, 1s; Honi-Soit

LEP 2 Dec 1738 Second Heat (with C. Mosley)

LEP 7 Apr 1739 Third Heat (with Mosley)

LEP 22 Nov 1739 Oxf Almanack 1740 = Jesus, 1s

LEP 28 Feb 1740 European Race for a Distance 1740, 1s (with C. Mosley)

LEP 20 Mar 1740 Plan & 15 vws of Stowe, Rigaud, 4gs (distributor for S. Bridgeman)

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

LEP 5 June 1740 The Itinerant Handi-Craftsman, 1s

LEP 3 July 1740 The Honest Admiral, 1s (with Mosley)

LEP 13 Sep 1740 Indefatigable State Pack-Horse (with Mosley)

LEP 13 Nov 1741 Oxf Almanack 1741 = Worcester, 1s, 1s 6d imp

DG 5 Mar 1741 The Itinerant Handi-Craftsman, 1s

LEP 19 Nov 1741 Oxf Almanack for 1742 = Balliol, 1s

LEP 15 June 1742 ready for subs 12 designs of English Butterflies, inc 300 flies & moths, 1g (distributor for Wilkes)

LEP 18 Nov 1742 Oxf Almanack for 1743 = Lincoln, 1s/1s 6d

DA 24 Mar 1743 25 sets of Britannia Man of War 1678, Vandevelde, 10s 6d, 4 sheets, 4 ft long

LEP 19 Nov 1743 Oxf Almanack for 1744 = Pembroke



Mary Overton


GA 10 Apr 1745 Giant’s Causeway, Vivares, 27 x 16½, 7s (distributor)

GA 11 May 1745 Male-Administration, 6d

GA 8 Nov 1745, The Pope’s Butcher, 6d/1s cold (with M. Cooper and J. King)

GA 20 Nov 1745 Mr Warburton’s lge map of Northumberland, first pub 1715, 7s 6d in sheets/½g on cloth & cold

GA 17 Dec 1745 The Contrast, 1s (with T. Read)

GA 1 May 1746 V of Culloden, 6d/1s (with King & Mosley)

GA 2 July 1746 Plan of Culloden, 1s/2s (with M. Overton, Mosley & H. Overton)

GA 27 Aug 1746 The Bum Ghost, 6d (with M. Cooper)

GA 30 Jan, LEP 31 Jan 1747 The Modern Duel, 6d/1s cold (with Mosley and M. Cooper)

GA 4 Apr 1747 George Berkeley, B of Cloyne, Brooks, 1s (distributor ?for Brooks)

GA 13 May 1747 Prince of Orange, orig brought from Hague, 1s

GA 16 June 1747 Admiral Anson, 6d; Flora Macdonald; the Stadtholder on horseback

GA 28 Nov 1747 Dr Thos Secker, mezzo, 1s 6d; D of Cumberland for a watch, 3d/6d; 12 Hudibras, des & engd Hogarth, 12s; 8 Birds, Barlow, Griffier & Place, 2s 6d (with Brookes & Forrest)

GA 16 Dec 1747 Plan of battle of Val 13 July 1747 (with M. Cooper)

GA 14 Jan 1748 Imported French prints

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs



William Owen


GA 19 Feb LEP 31 Mar 1747 Miss Macdonald, Houbracken, 6d; Jenny Cameron 6d; Young Adventurer 6d; Simon Lord Lovat 6d (with P. Brooks)

GA 17 June 1747 Lovat’s Ghost on Pilgrimage, 1s

LEP July 1747 Anson & Warren vs French, 6d

GA 25 Sep 1747 the French Banquet, 6d

GA 20 Dev 1749 Sir George Vandeput, Knapton, Brooks and Houston, (with Chapelle for Brooks)



James Pascall


LEP 12 May 1744 Props for Chatsworth; Haddon, Vivares, imp, 7s 6d to subs, then 10s (distrib for ?Vivares)



  1. Payne


EP 27-30 Oct 1722 Richard Scroop, Abish of York under HIV, 6d



Mr Penkethman


Sp 25 Oct 1711 Gallery of Raphael, Dorigny, eng, 4gs to subs (distributor for Dorigny)

Sp 4 Feb 1712 Sets of Dorigny’s prints after Raphael &c. at Rome, 3gs

PB 23-26 July 1720 Subs to collect Cartoons as D intends to leave for Italy; Two prints of Hermaphrodite, Albani, 1g (for Dorigny)



William Pennock


EP 11 Nov 1710 Funeral of the Low Church, Dutch paper, 2d

EP 3-6 Feb 1711 The Effigies of the Three Oculists of Great            Britain; The Turn-Coats; Funeral of the Low Church; Jacobite Hopes, 2d each; London’s Happiness in 4 Loyal Members; Faults on both sides, 1d each



Jonathan Pinchbeck


CJ Dec 1732 Fan

CJ 26 Feb 1732 Mask Unveil’d on a Fan Mount

CJ 13 Jan 1733 4 Courting Fans

CJ 7 July 1733 Nassau Fan

CJ 20 Sep 1733 New Tunbridge Wells with walks on fan

CJ 20 Apr 1734 Old Man’s Folly fan

LEP 4 Jan 1735 Bath Medley Fan

LEP 21 Feb 1736 The Royal Repository; or, Merlin’s Cave, some on leather for curious

CJ 2 July 1737 New Vaux-Hall Fan

LEP 8 July 1738 Grove at Bath; Rural Harmony of Vaux-Hall (also Delassol & Wicksteed)

CJ 4 Nov 1738 European Race fan (with Mosley)

LEP 11 Mar 1740 The States in a Lethargy

LEP 16 Apr 1741 The Reason for the Motion

LEP 6 June 1741 The Client’s Labyrinth

LEP 29 July 1742 Inside of Grand Amphitheatre at Chelsea; S. Front of same; Chelsea College



John Pine


LEP 5-7 Feb 1734 Presented engraving of Magna Carta to Court of Aldermen, given 20gs.



Henry Playford


PB 2-4 June 1702 List of Royal Navy, 3d

PB 22-25 Aug 1702 Ed VI, Hy P of W, Hy D of Gloucester and Wm D of Gloucester, Gribelin, 1s, 2s framed



Arthur Pond


LEP 25 Jan, CJ 8 Feb 1735 20 Prints from drawings, copper & wood, 1g to subs; also 15 by Chas Knapton, ½g

LEP 1 Apr, CJ 17 Apr 1736 20 more and 15 lsc

CJ 2 Apr 1737 20 Prints from Drawings, subs; 15 Prints from Drawings, Knapton, ½g

DA 16 Mar, LEP 17 Mar 1743 no. VI 4 lsc

LEP 8 Mar 1744 no. VIII lscs, Rosa, Borgognone, Lauri, Rembrandt, 5s; also lsc by Teniers, 2s

LEP 14 July 1744 no. IX, 4 lsc, 5s

LEP 13 Sep 1744 George Anson, Pond, 2s

GA 15 Feb 1745 no. X of Landscapes after Gaspar & Claude, 5s; with priced list of stock

GA 30 Apr 1745 no. II Roman Antiquities, Panini, lge Imp, 3s; with list

GA 8 Apr 1746 no. XI lscs; carics; drawings; Anson; Greenwich; Pantheon; Mausoleum soon

LEP 10 apr 1746 no. XI landscapes; Anson, 2s; Greenwich 3s 6d; Pantheon 3s; Temple 3s; Mausoleum shortly

GA 7 Mar, LEP 13 May 1747 no. IV Roman Antiquities, Pannini, 3s

GA 18 Nov 1748 Storm, N & G Poussin (formerly Pallavicini, now P of W), lge Imp, 5s; Garrick, mezzo, 1s 6d



  1. Prescott


GA 13 July 1748 The Husband’s Resentment, 6d (distributor for Webb)



Charles Price; first ‘at Mr Price’s’


LEP 14-16 Nov 1728 7 Acts of Charity, Old Franks/Baron, now ready

CJ 1 Jan 1732 Stuart Family, Vandergucht, &c half price

CJ 15 Jan 1732 Mausoleum in Memory of Queen Anne &c, cheap



Edward Prince at Oxford


EP 13-15 Feb 1718 Andrew Snape, mezzo, with P. Overton &c.



William Rayner


CJ 2 Dec 1738 First part of England’s Glory, 2d



  1. Read


GA 17 Dec 1745 The Contrast, 1s (with M. Overton)

GA 2 May 1746 D of Cumberland, 1s/2s 6d



  1. Reeves


GA 22 May 1747 William & Mary, 27 x 24 “, pair 5s; same smaller 4s; Charles I, 22 x 16, 2s 6d; Ann, 22 x 16, 2s 6d; Perus Alexewitz, 22 x 16, 2s 6d, imported from Hague



James Regnier


PB 10-12 Feb 1715 Coronation of King George, Dubosc, 2s 6d (with Bowles)

DP 17 May 1727 Engine to raise Water by Fire, model by R.             Jones, 2 sheets (with Grandey)

DP 19 May, CJ 10 June 1727 Senisimo, Goupy/Kirkall, CJ with 16 prints of shipping after Vandevelde

DP 13 June 1727 ditto with others by Kirkall

CJ 3 May 1729 Prop for Twelve Celebrated English Poets, Vertue (distributor for Vertue)

CJ 27 Dec 1729 Props for 20 Prints in Coll of Derby, Winstanley (distributor for Winstanley), 2gs to subs

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold. by Hylton (distributor for Rysbrack/?Vandergucht)

LEP 18 Nov 1736 Funeral of Mother Gin; the Female Anatomists, 6d each (with Clark, Jackson, Dodd, Regnier &c)

27 Nov 1736 Belvedere in Petticoats, Jos Goupy, 2s 6d (with            Roe)

LEP 15 June 1742 ready for subs 12 designs of English Butterflies, inc 300 flies & moths, 1g (distributor for Wilkes)

GA 22 Mar 1749 props for 2 Landskips, F. Mielly & Lambert of North Byerly; ready 25 May, 14 x 21, 6s (distributor for Vivares)



Mr Ringwood


CJ 22 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Hylton (distributor for Hylton)



Henry Roberts


LEP 2 May 1747 Courtship and Matrimony; Hymen’s Advice to the Ladies, 24 x 19



  1. Roberts


LEP 16 May 1741 Humours of a Country Election, 4d; with pamphlet at 1s

LEP 10 Nov 1741 Compleat Sporting Table, Ele, 1s



  1. Robinson


GA 20 Apr 1748 Peter the Great and William III, Müller, 1s/2s (with Robinson, Overlove, Bakewell and Tinney)



Jacob Robinson


LEP 29 Jan 1740 The Devil upon Two Sticks, 1s

LEP 24 Sep 1741 William Warburton, Burford (with Burford)

LEP 6 Mar 1742 The Submission, 6d (with Amey & Cooper)

DA 3 Mar, LEP 12 Mar 1743 Claims of the Broad Bottom, 6d

DA 6 Apr 1743 (?psudonym ‘G. Lyon’) Political Battle-Royal, 6d (? with Bickham)

DA 19 Apr 1743 Plan of Egra, 6d/1s

LEP 22 Mar 1744 Charles Newby, Philips/Faber, 2s

LEP 8 June, GA 21 July 1747 The Compleat Florist, 100 pls, 5s in boards/15s cold & bound (with S. Harding & J. King)

GA 17 Oct 1748 Complete Florist as above but Robinson only



Roger Roe


27 Nov 1736 Belvedere in Petticoats, Jos Goupy, 2s 6d (with Regnier)



  1. Rogers


LG 30 Nov-3 Dec 1691 John, Archbishop of Canterbury, White, with Aylmer



Abel Roper


PB 22-25 Mar 1701 Curious Clock almanack for 1701

PB 17-19 June 1701 Crowned Heads of Europe, eng, 1s 6d (with Nutt)

PB 5-7 Feb 1702 Cosmographical Clock, 6d

LG 26-29 Aug 1708 Plan of Audenarde, 1s 6d (with Morphew)



James Round


DC 22 May 1706 Plan of Rammelies (with R. Smith & Bragg)



Edward Ryland


GA 6 July 1747 Allegory in Honour of Barnard, 1s





LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold. by Hylton (?with Vandergucht)



William Sandby


LEP 10 May, DA 12 May 1743 Rev Jn Hough, Faber, 2s



Robert Sayer


GA 25 Jan 1749 Publick Fireworks, 1s (with P. Brookes)

GA 2 May 1749 4 vs of Paris, Rigaud, 4s (with Brookes)

GA 29 June 1749 Grand Water Theatre at the Hague, 1s



Samuel Scott


LEP 8 Apr 1736 deliv to subs of 6 vs of E India Co’s             settlements, Lambert & Scott/Vandergucht, 15½ x 22½, 1½gs

LEP 28 Aug 1740 Props for taking of Porto Bello, Scott, 2′ 3″ x 1′ 5½”, imp, 5s to subs, sub imps only



William Seal


? Aug 1712 Stonesfield Pavement, 9d or 6d each for a dozen



John Senex


LEP 6 Nov 1735 Proposals for Corbridge Roman plate, 20 x 15″, 5s to subs (agent for Shaftoe)

LEP 24 Apr 1736 Corbridge plate ready

LEP 17 June 1736 Eclipse 18 Feb, Tho Wright of Durham, 2 sh



Christopher Seton


LEP 31 Dec 1745 Plan of battle of Preston, 28 x 22″, 2s 6d

LEP 24 May 1748 Duncan Forbes, late Davidson/Faber; Henry Voguell, Anthony Pesne/Faber



John Setterington


LEP 7 Aug 1735 large view of Scarborough, Setterington, 5s, 2 imp sh




William Shaftoe


LEP 6 Nov 1711 Proposals for Corbridge Roman plate, 20 x 15″, 5s to subs

LEP 24 Apr 1736 Corbridge plate ready



William Shropshire


LEP 12 May 1744 Props for Chatsworth; Haddon, Vivares, imp, 7s 6d to subs, then 10s (distrib for ?Vivares)

LEP 25 Mar 1746 Curious Coll of Antient Paintings, dr in Rome, Mead coll, with other booksellers, 1g bound



  1. Smith (?Gabriel)


GA 16 Dec 1746 Ascanius, 1s

LEP 11, GA 12 June 1747 Young Gentleman: Veritas Praevalebit, 1s



George Smith


GA 6 July, LEP 13 Aug 1748 Cricket, Hayman/Grignion, 5s (distributor)



  1. Smith


PB 8-10 Sep 1702 Altar Piece, 2s 6d



John Simon


PB 14-17 Oct 1710 Sir Thomas Parker, mezzo, Simon

PB 21-23 Apr 1713 Robert Harley, mezzo, Kneller/Simon (with H. Overton)

PB 7-10 May 1715 Jn Duke of Argyl, mezzo, Dahl/Simon, 1s 6d (with Jo Smith)



John Smith


LG 2-6 May 1700 Iconologia of Caesar Ripa, took subs (for Oxford University)

Sp 16 July 1711 Ben Jonson, Honthorst/Vertue, engr, 1s. (with Vertue)



Joseph Smith


EP 18-21 Mar 1710 Emperors & Empresses Titian\G. Sadeler; Barberini, Farnesi & Luxembourg Galleries; landscapes by Poussin

PB 22-25 July 1710 Battles of Alexander, 3′ x 2′ on 13 sheets

PB 16-18 Jan 1711 4 Indian Kings, Simon (with King, Overton, Verelst &c)

PB 8 Jan 1712 John, Bishop of Bristol, Dahl/Vertue, (with T. Taylor)

PB 29-31 July 1712 Stonesfield Mosaic, coloured, reduced from 1g to 2s 6d (with Taylor)

PB 1 Sep 1713 Banqueting House at Whitehall, eng

DC June 1714 Props for Vitruvius Britannicus, 200 pls, 2 vols, 3gs on Roy, 4gs on imp (with Johnstone & bksellers)

PB 15-17 Mar 1715 Thos Earl of Strafford, Kneller/Vertue

PB 7-10 May 1715 Jn Duke of Argyl, mezzo, Dahl/Simon, 1s 6d (with Simon)

PB 24-26 May 1715 Mausoleum to Queen Anne, 2 sh imp, 4′ x 2½’ (with P. Overton)

EP 7-10 Apr 1716 Britannia Illustrata vol.2 dr & engd Kip, Vitruvius Britannicus, Mausoleum of Queen Anne, lge imp

EP 13-15 Dec 1716 V of Bristol, imp

PB Dec 1718; WJ 10 Jan 1719 James, Earl of Carnarvon, Dahl/[Simon]

EP 2-5 May 1719, WJ 6 June 1719 Ecclesiarum Angliae & Walliae Prospectus, imp,

PB 26-28 Sep 1721 print of Kent Alterpiece at St Clement Danes intended

PB 13-16 Jan 1722 James Duke of Chandos

PB 8-10 Jan, EP 26-29 Mar 1723 History of St Peter’s Westminster, 100 pls (with T. Bowles, Jas Cole, T. Taylor &c)

PB 2-5 Mar 1723 Antiquities of St Paul’s (with T. Bowles, Jas Cole, T. Taylor &c)

WJ 12 Sep 1724 Twelve prints in chiaro Oscuro, Italian Masters/Kirkall, 2gs to subs or 2½gs (distributor for Kirkall)

PM 27 Jan 1726 Vitruvius Britannicus III, 100 pls (with Campbell)

DP 10 June 1727 Designs of Buildings, Gibbs, to subs (distributor for Gibbs)

CJ 2 Mar 1728 Wells Cathedral, eng + 5th vol Nouveau Theatre

CJ 6 Apr 1728 V of London & Westminster from Buckingham House, 12 pls



Thomas Smith


LEP 18 June 1743 now printing, 8 Natural Prospects in the Peak, imp, 1g to subs, then 1½



Anne Speed


DC 9 Mar 1714 Wm Dawes, Archbish of York, Murray/Vertue, 1s, framed 3s 6d



George Speren


7 July 1737 4 Prints for Fans of Bath



  1. Stagg


DP 22 Jan 1728 Table of Succession of Kings of Eng & Sc (with T. Bowles, J. Clark and J. King)

DG 28 Apr 1737 New Market at Fleet Ditch, 1s 6d



Mr Stebbings


LEP 9 Oct 1735 A Curious Herbal, 500 pls by sub



John Sturt


LG 17-21 Aug 1693 Lords Prayer, Sturt, 2s

LG 31 Dec-3 Jan 1695 Elegy on Death of Queen Mary, Sturt

LG 2-5 Dec 1700, New Drawing Book, with Lens, 2s 6d

PB 24-26 Sep 1702 Props for Mausoleum to Wm & Mary, 34 x 26, 5s

LG 20-24 Mar 1707 Architecture in Perspective by sub

LG 10-13 May 1708 Five orders of Columns in Architecture by sub or at 15s. in quires

PB 15-18 July 1710 Isaac Bickerstaff, eng, 6d.

PB 28-30 June 1711 Prospect of St James’s Palace, Inglish/Sturt, 2s 6d

DC 31 Oct 1714 Plan of Royal Vault, eng, 1s

CJ 26 Feb 1732 Mausoleum to William & Mary, 2 imp sheets



Joseph Sympson


DP 9 Jan 1728 Tenth bk of Paradise Lost, 25 x 23″, Vanderbank/Sympson jnr, 5s

CJ 7 Sep 1734 Gray Windham v Bay Bolton, Wootton/Sympson, 18 x 13″; 16 horses (listed) after Wootton, Tillemans &c

CJ 24 May 1735 Mrs Clive as Philida, second pl (agent for Van Bleeck)

21 June 1739 Silver Cistern by Jernegan, Scotin, 22″ x 19″, 2s

GA 22 Feb 1745 le Mareschal de Belle Isle, 1s (with J. King)



Samuel Sympson


CJ 27 Dec 1729 Props for 20 Prints in Coll of Derby, Winstanley (distributor for Winstanley), 2gs to subs

CJ 21 Feb 1730 2 Kings and Queens, 2s set (with J. Clark, J. Cluer)

CJ 29 May 1731 164 designs by Le Pautre

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Twelve Labours of Hercules, Cheron/Vandergucht, subs 12s (distributor for Vandergucht)

CJ 16 Feb 1733 has bought entire collection of George White, heads listed; with 163 designs by le Potre inc 3 of coronation

CJ 9 Nov 1734 Czarina; Princess of Orange; Pcess Amelia; Pcess Caroline, all Amigoni/Wagner

CJ 4 Feb 1738 Farinelli; late Czar; present Empress; Pcess of Orange; Amelia; Caroline; several historical prints; all Amigoni/Wagner

LEP 1 May 1740 Plan of Battle at Stavutshane at 2s

DA 25 Apr 1743 Saul and the Witch of Endor, Rosa/[Laurence], 2s (distributor for Hay)

LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs (distributor for Wale)

GA 11 Feb 1747 12 English Birds, Collins, 14 x 18″, (with S. Simpson, J. Bowles, J. King)

LEP 8 Dec 1748 20 antique statues, complete (agent for Dalton)

GA 22 Mar 1749 props for 2 Landskips, F. Mielly & Lambert of North Byerly; ready 25 May, 14 x 21, 6s (distributor for Vivares)



James Stewart


CJ 10 Jan 1736 Thomas Coster, de Groot/Faber



Thomas Taylor


EP 26-28 Dec 1710 V of Portsmouth and Gosport, 30 x 21″ (with   Hulton)

PB 8 Jan 1712 John, Bishop of Bristol, Dahl/Vertue, (with Jo Smith)

DC 6 May 1712 Exact Prospect of Plymouth

PB 15-17 Jan 1713 Town & Harbour of Harwich, Elephant, (with Hulton)

PB 4-6 Sep 1718 Map inc Prospect of Messina, 6d

PB 8-11 Nov 1718 2 sheet Prospect of York (with Barker)

PB 13-15 Jan 1719 Prospect of University of Cambridge from SE, 2 sheets of Elephant

PB 20-22 Apr 1721 Matthew Hale, mezzo; Palladio 4 vols in English

DC 19 Mar 1722 Works of John Ayres, penman

DC 29 Aug 1722 Funeral Procession of Marlborough, 2 sh roy

PB 8-10 Jan, EP 26-29 Mar 1723 History of St Peter’s Westminster, 100 pls (with T. Bowles, Jas Cole, Jo Smith &c)

PB 2-5 Mar 1723 Antiquities of St Paul’s (with T. Bowles, Jas           Cole, Jo Smith &c)

EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with T. and J. Bowles, King, P. Overton, and Vandergucht



Pierce Tempest and Robert Chilcott


DC 12 Mar 1706 West Prospect of York Minster, Place; St Clement Danes, Kip; Cries of London, Laroon; Birds and Beasts, Bar



Mr Thornhill


GA 7 June 1746 remaining sets of Cupola, 16s, framed in pear £2 12s 6d



  1. Thurlbourn


LEP 17 May 1740 Props for Cantabrigia Delineata, 30 pls, 19 x 14, R. West, 2s each or £2 10s complete

LEP 20 June 1741 Props for Persp View of Kings, J. Essex, 23 x 25, 5s to subs



John Tijou


LG 1-4 Oct 1694 New Book of Drawings…of Iron Work…, Tijou, with Beckett, Garret, Cooper, Browne and Tijou



Peter Tillemans


DP 24 May 1725 4 Newmarket Races and Fox Chase ready for subs



John Tinney


LEP 4 Mar 1738 Ha ha ha, a new companion to yae-ough; 4 prospects of Chiswick gdns; map of war betw Russians, Turks &c

LEP 25 May 1738 4 Seasons, Lancret with alterations, each 2 sh, 4s set; also set of small vs, dr J. Armstrong/Toms

LEP 11 Apr 1741 The Protest, 6d, a reply to the Acquittal

LEP 28 Aug 1742 View of Prague, 1s

LEP 9 Aug 1744 Props for 8 vs of Hampton Court & Kensington, 19 x 14, to subs 1g, ready Nov, the £1 5s

21 Mar 1745 8 Views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 19 x 15, £1 5s

GA 17 Jan 1746 D of Cumberland, 6d a to A (distributor with Cooper, King, and Hulton)

GA 5 Mar 1746 Plan of Castle & Gdns of Blair Athol, 2s

GA 10 Apr 1746 8 vs of Jersey, Guernsey, Serc, Arm & Jetbon, J.H.Bastide & Lempriere/Toms, originally 1g, now 12s with          borders & 10s 6d without

LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs (distributor for Wale)

GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)

GA 25 Feb 1747 8 views of Hampton Court & Kensington, Highmore/Tinney, 14 x 19½”; 20 Passions of the Soul, Le Brun, 5s

GA 3 June 1747 Geo II; Pr & Pcess of Orange; 2 of Duke, one in profile; Ravenet in miniature (with Brookes, Tinney &c)

GA 20 Aug 1747 Plan of Bergen-op-Zoom, 1s; mezzo of Ligonier

GA 22 Oct 1747 Sir Thos Parker, 1s; Sir Jn Ligonier

LEP Dec 1747 Garrick in RIII, Hogarth, 3d/6d cold (with Griffin & Angier)

GA 28 Jan 1748 Props for 4 pls plan & vs of St Paul’s, dr Schivert Fager, 14½ x 20, on grand Colombin, 10s 6d to subs

GA 20 Apr 1748 Peter the Great and William III, Müller, 1s/2s (with Robinson, Overlove, Bakewell and Brookes)

GA 6 Mar 1749 Dr Ward (with R. Ware)



William Henry Toms


LEP 28 Jan 1735 Plan of Wells, 3s (agent for Wm Simes)

LEP 11 July 1738 Times of Eclipses for 20 yrs, 9d

LEP 1 Aug 1738 9 vs of warships and places on coast of Eng, dr Lempriere, 5s, cold 15s; plan of Gibraltar, 1s; plan & vw of Lisbon, 1s 6d; transparent paper

LEP 17 Aug 1738 Pland of Gibraltar & Port Mahon with Admiral Haddock’s ships, imp, 2s

DA 7 Apr 1743 Plan of Cartagena, 2s/4s

LEP 2 Feb 1744 LEP 2 Feb 1744 Figures in Modern Habits, no. 1, 2s 6d (Agent for Gravelot)

GA 7 Mar 1745 Engagements in the Med 2s/4s cold

GA 27 Apr 1745 Wrightson & Isabella vs Marquis de Brancas, 6d (with Woodfall)

GA 30 Apr 1745 8 views of Highgate and Hampstead, Imp, 5s, Chatelain, Toms; 8 vs on Thames betw Chelsea and Isleworth, 5s

GA 22 Feb, LEP 1 Mar 1746 remaining sets of Baron/Rigaud Stowe, 2gs (with J. Bowles, Hitch and T. Bowles)

LEP 6 Mar 1746 Vertue’s Heads of Charles I and Supporters, in frames £1 15s, (with Austen & Davis)

LEP 26-28 May 1747 View of Clare-Mount, Rigaud, 3s/6s cold on grand Eagle; View of Castle Hill, Wootton/Rigaud, grand Eagle (with Austen)



Jacob Tonson


LG 8-11, PB 9-11 Nov 1697 Grand Czar of Muscovy, White, with White

PB 14-16 May 1700 John Dryden, Kneller/Edelinck at Paris

Sp 17 Mar 1711 Palace of Blenheim, eng

Sp 22 Jan 1712 Lord Sommers, Kneller/Vertue

PB 7-10 Nov 1713 Addison, Kneller

EP 28-30 July, LG 30 July-2 Aug 1715 Thos Marquis of Wharton, Kneller

EP 14-17 May 1719 Matthew Prior, Richardson/Vertue

EP 6-8 Oct 1719 Mr Secretary Craggs, Kneller/Vertue

EP 30 Apr-2 May 1723 Thos E of Macclesfield, Kneller/Vertue

DP 20 Nov 1727 Robert Raymond, Richardson/Vertue (with Vertue)

LEP 30 Mar 1734 Proposals for Kit-Kat Club, 44 prs in folio, Kneller/Faber, 3 gs

LEP 31 May 1735 Kitt-Catt Club, Fr Royal, in fol, with Faber?



William Trim


GA 9 Jan 1749 The Peace Offering, 6d



Mrs Upton


CJ 8 Apr 1732 Speaking Fans, Bickham jun, 1s (with Brooker and Guerrier)



Paul Vaillant


LEP 3 Apr 1736 distributor of Cary Creed’s statues

LEP 28 Aug 1742 Plan of Prague, 1s pl, 2s cold (with Harding)

LEP 30 Dec-1 Jan 1747 The English Moths and Butterflies, no. I (distributor for Wilkes)



Gerard Vandergucht


EP 25 Jan 1726 Royal Family of Stuarts, Van Dyck and Kneller; Don Quixot, Coypel, with T. and J. Bowles, King, P. Overton, and Taylor; also Academy Figures, Cheron

CJ 27 Dec 1729 Six Labours of Hercules Cheron/Vandergucht, Picart &c; Academy Figures Cheron/Vandergucht; after Raphael/Cheron/Simoneau; 4 Acts of Apostles Cheron/Simoneau &c; 22 Don Quixote Coypel/Vandergucht

CJ 18 Nov 1732 Twelve Labours of Hercules, Cheron/Vandergucht, subs 12s

CJ 27 Jan 1733 Hercules ready 12 Feb; Tancred & Erminia, Poussin; Justice, Raphael/Simoneau; Academy Figures; 23       Don Quixote, Coypel

LEP 31 Jan-2 Feb 1734 proposal for 8 Fish and Fowl, Rysbrack/Vandergucht, 8 pls, 23 x 17, 1g. pl./2gs. cold.      by Hylton (?with Vandergucht)

LEP 27 Apr 1735 list + Warsaw & its territories

LEP 8 Apr 1736 deliv to subs of 6 vs of E India Co’s settlements, Lambert & Scott/Vandergucht, 15½ x 22½, 1½gs

LEP 11 May 1736 Risley Roman Plate, 5s to subs

LEP 8 May 1740 props for 31 ancient coins, bustos &c, Rubens/Vandergucht, ½g to subs, then 15s

LEP Dec 30-1 Jan 1747 View of Genoa, 1s (with Austen) with list

GA 20 Jan 1748 lge pr Poussin (Wm Lock) &c



John Vandergucht


CJ Apr 1730 Thomas Woolston Dandridge/J. Vandergucht



Michael Vandergucht


PB 29 Aug 1713 John, Bish of London, Vandergucht, 1s 6d



Alexander Vanhaecken


CJ 19 May 1736 Geo II, Sandie; Caroline, Amigoni; Cumberland, Amigoni

CJ 15 July 1738 Fras Smith, W. Winstanley

LEP 26 May 1741 James Keith, 1s; General Wentworth; both Ramsay/Vanhaecken



Arnold Vanhaecken


CJ 2 Feb 1734 Proposals for Wonders of the Deep, 8 pls 22 x 17, with Giles King



John Vardy


GA 28 Nov 1749 V of Gothic Hall at Hampton Court, 5s; also his book of Kent’s designs and two prints of Esher Place



John Verelst


PB 16-18 Jan 1711 4 Indian Kings, Simon (with King, Overton, Smith &c)



George Vertue


Sp 16 July 1711 Ben Jonson, Honthorst/Vertue, engr, 1s. (with Jn Smith)

PB 16-19 May 1713 Sir Jn Blencowe, Russell/Vertue, eng, 1s. (with H. Overton)

EP 10-13 Jan 1719 Sir Jas Montague, Kneller/Vertue

EP 24-27 June 1719 Sir Fras Page, Vertue ‘a small number only being permitted to be sold’

EP 7-9 Dec 1719 Philip Bisse, H[?]/Vertue, 1s 6d

DP 20 Feb 1725 Prince of Wales; Princess of Wales, Kneller/Vertue, lge Imp

DP 29 July 1727 George II, Vertue; Caroline, Vertue; Blackbourne Archbish of York, Vertue; Potter Bish of Oxford, Dahl/Vertue

DP 20 Nov 1727 Robert Raymond, Richardson/Vertue (with Tonson)

CJ 3 May 1729 Prop for Twelve Celebrated English Poets, Vertue

LEP 7-9 Mar 1734 Duke of Dorset; Bp. Smalbroke; Sir Laurence Carter; lately James Reynolds; Joseph Jekyl; Alex Denton

DA 29 Jan 1743 [?props for] 4 hist prs relating to royal families in Eng, 1½gs., on imp with expls on ½ sheets

LEP 12 May 1743 HVII & Eliz, HVIII & Jane Seymour, Holbein; Matt E of Lennox, his Lady & Darnley; Armies on Carberry      Hill; Procession of Q Eliz to Hunsdon; Vertue, sub 1½gs, lge imp, with expls on ½ sheets



Francis Vivares


LEP 12 May 1744 Props for Chatsworth; Haddon, Vivares, imp, 7s 6d to subs, then 10s GA 23 Mar 1749 props for 2 Landskips, F. Mielly & Lambert of North Byerly; ready 25 May, 14 x 21, 6s then 7s 6d



Samuel Wale


LEP 12 Apr 1746 Props for Inside of St Stephen Walbrook, 20 x 23″, ready Aug, 5s to subs



  1. Wakelin


LEP Jan 1747 The Lady’s Disaster (with S. Line)

GA 24 Oct 1747 A Fleet Wedding, 6d, ½ sh royal (with S. Line)

GA 5 Sep 1748 Pantin A-la-mode, ½ sh roy, 6d; Milk Maid’s Disaster (with Griffin)

?GA 12 Nov 1748 Hymen’s Looking Glass, 6d col



James Walker


LG 21-24 April 1701 North Side of London from New-Bedlam, eng             on 3 pls, 5′ x 2′ 4″, 4s



John Walsh


CJ 12 Apr 1738 for subs to Alex’s Feast, Handel, Houbaraken & Gravelot



Caesar Ward & Richard Chandler


LEP 23 Mar 1734 Dicky Dickinson, 6d, framed 1s 6d

LEP 7 Aug 1735 large view of Scarborough, Setterington, 5s, 2 imp sh, (agent for Setterington)

LEP 13 May 1738 Calendar with degrees of consanguinity, lge fol, 1s



Richard Ware


GA 6 Mar 1749 Dr Ward (with R. Ware)




  1. Webb


LEP 9 Dec 1742 Grand Cavalcade of the Miserable Electors, 6d

LEP 28 Dec 1742 The H-r T-p come again, 6d

LEP 12 Jan 1744 The Promotion, 6d/1s

LEP 1 Mar 1744 The Court Fright, 6d/1s

LEP 13 Mar 1744 Duke of N-le and his Cook, 6d/1s

GA 13 Mar 1745 The Queen of Hungary’s Whetstone 6d/1s cold

We 25 Oct 1745 He is the Heir and He must Reign, 6d

LEP 20-27 Oct 1747 Road of Love, 6d cold

LEP 5 Apr 1748 The Congress of the Beasts, with a farce 1s 6d

GA 4 May 1748 The Congress of the Beasts, without the Farce, 6d

GA 13 July 1748 The Husband’s Resentment, 6d



  1. West


DP 29 Mar 1727 Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Kneller/Faber



George White


EP 16-18 May 1717 Abish of Cant, Gibson/White, 1s 6d



Robert White


LG 28 Jan-1 Feb 1692 Lord General Ginkel, life/White

LG 8-11 Nov 1697 Grand Czar of Muscovy, White and Tonson

LG 21-24 Feb 1698 Frederick Augustus, King of Poland, White

LG 24-27 Feb 1701 King of Sweden, from pic, White

LG 2-5, PB 5-7 Feb 1702 Grecian Archbishop of Philopopoli, life/White



  1. Whiting


WJ 18 Dec, LEP 21 Dec 1742 French Raree Show, fan; same, a print for framing, 1s



Mr Wicksteed


LEP 8 July 1738 Grove at Bath; Rural Harmony of Vaux-Hall (distributor for Pinchbeck)



  1. Wilford


DJ 9 June 1721 Rev Mr Leslie, from Paris, eng & mezzo, 2s 6d

DJ 30 Oct 1721 Author of Snake in the Grass, from Paris, 1s 6d



Benjamin Wilkes


LEP 15 June 1742 ready for subs 12 designs of English Butterflies, inc 300 flies & moths, 1g

DA 1 Jan 1743 12 New Designs of Butterflies, 1g; pl or col

LEP 30 Dec-1 Jan 1747 The English Moths and Butterflies, no. I

GA 10 Apr 1749 Nat Hist of Eng Moths & Butterflies, 120 pls, £8 til June then £9



John Williams


LEP 8 Sep, We 10 Sep 1743 John Wesley, Williams, Faber



Mr Winbush/Mrs Wimbush


GA 4 Nov 1746 Duke of Cumberland with Rebellion expiring, 6d (for Forrest)



Hamlet Winstanley


CJ 4 Apr 1730 Knowsley Gallery, to subs



  1. Witham


WJ 17 Aug 1717 Charles I in Solitude, Sturt, by sub, 2s 6d



  1. Woodfall


GA 25 Jan 1745 The Northumberland, taken by the French, 1s/2s coloured (with Bickerton)

GA 27 Apr 1745 Wrightson & Isabella vs Marquis de Brancas, 6d (with Toms)

GA 18 Mar 1748 Adm Peter Warren, 1s 6d



John Wootton


EP 5-7 Feb 1723 subs for The Sport of Hunting, 4 pls, Wootton/Baron,

LEP 21-23 Nov 1728 above ready (with Baron)



Mr Wright


CJ 20 Feb 1731 Prudence, Fortitude and Temperance, Guido/G. Vandergucht

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